Many thanks for the reassurances, Clive. I don't have much experience with these belts above one being used on my wood lathe! But it certainly seems like the way to go. Having had a look round, they seem to come in 1" increments in length, so some level of adjustment or tensioning seems important to design in. On the Kennedy, the motor is fixed but there are slotted fixings in the base where the main components are attached – so a small degree of adjustment is possible there. I guess I'll just have to by the nearest I can – as measured with string – and then work out the details once I get there!
I think however I will have to make my own pulley for the motor. At 25mm diameter on a 5/8" shaft, I have found absolutely nothing available off the shelf – not even close. At this diameter, it also doesn't offer a lot of "meat" for a grubscrew. Added to this, the motor shaft is only about 28mm long, which is broadly the width of the belt I was planning to use – the big pulley is 27.4mm wide, and so I was aiming for a 10 rib J section Poly-V belt to use all the width and get the maximum grip.
Could I get away with a narrower belt and it still grip sufficiently on both pulleys? That would help if I could.
But if not, then my best idea so far is to make a suitable 25mm diam Poly-V pulley, put one or two grub screws in the main body of the pulley, right where the V grooves are, but obviously below the level of the V grooves themselves. And then maybe cut a keyway in the pulley to add some mechanical grip, so we're not relying on the grub screws to drive the machine. The original motor shaft already includes a keyway, so a short key alongside the grubscrews would seem like a good idea. Though a lot of effort…..
Or am I overthinking this?
Thanks for your note too, Ron. I had found the plain Oilites, but really wanted to use a flanged type as it gave me the precise spacing I was looking for. As ever though, more than one way to skin a cat – and maybe a couple of 1" plain bushes back to back would have been the way to go. My flanged bushes were already on order though, so whether I made the right call will be found out soon enough!
All the best