Having a life long interest in all aspects of pure speed attempts mechanical as well as human and at the moment looking at the various welding techniques for motor cycle frames.
Have come across this from Ken Spraysons old firm Reynolds they are back into motorcycles
As all my home built frames were bronze welded like Reynolds used to be but according to what I have been told for competition in the USA that's not allowed.
Are there any forum members with practical experience of Tig Welding motor cycle frames mainly out of cold drawn mild steel as my old frames were made out of.
Not the more exotic 531, 631,853,953 alloys.
The Tig welded dragster frames sometimes are stress relieved a bronze welded frame is more flexible.
The Tig joint preparation has to be first class as well as cleanliness.
I want to find out about the type of joints required to relieve or spread stress.
Do I have to stress relieve them and how.
For cold drawn mild steel tube will Mild Steel Tig rods be suitable.
Are there any books on the Tig welding and building of motorcycle frames from scratch.
I have had some useful advice from this forum in the past and hope for more.