Ken Hawley YouTube videos


Ken Hawley YouTube videos

Home Forums The Tea Room Ken Hawley YouTube videos

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  • #756819
    Grindstone Cowboy

      This video about auger manufacturing turned up after watching something else on YouTube, and led me to discover a fascinating series by Mr Hawley, a tool collector and, it would seem, a historian and film-maker. Worth a look for (re)discovering tools and techniques as they used to be.

      Links to a video about Footprint Ltd and the manufacture of auger bits in Sheffield.


      Edit – that’s a surprise, I didn’t think it would embed the video in the post.

      bernard towers

        Footprint one of the best screwdriver makers ever!!!

        Roderick Jenkins

          The Footprint video appeared on my Youtube feed a couple of days ago as well.  I also came across this video about hand saw making in Sheffield:

          Referring back to a previous discussion on the forum,   I was intrigued that both of the narrations referred to the excess material from stamping and profiling as fash.


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