Kempes yearbook, worth getting?


Kempes yearbook, worth getting?

Home Forums Books Kempes yearbook, worth getting?

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    jimmy b

      I've been doing a fair bit of reading lately.

      Is "Kempes Year book" worth reading?

      Is it similar to Machinery's Handbook and Newnes Engineers Reference?

      Thank you


      jimmy b
        Tim Stevens

          Similar but not the same. I go back to mine (from 1950) now and then – it helps.

          But mine is Kemps without the extra 'e'.


          Michael Gilligan

            Posted by Tim Stevens on 14/08/2018 18:17:04:


            But mine is Kemps without the extra 'e'.


            That's interesting, Tim … Would yours be the 'Film & Television' Yearbook ?

            If not, then Google may turn out to be your friend.



            Edited By Michael Gilligan on 14/08/2018 18:33:17

            Bob Jepp

              Mine is Kempe's – 1984.


              jimmy b

                I’ve treated myself to a 1984 copy


                martin perman 1

                  I have a two volume 1956 copy of Kempe's Engineers yearbook which is an interesting read.

                  Martin P


                    I have the two volume 1988 version and refer to two pages almost daily at work (metric threads and minor diameters). I look at the rest every few months or so. I really don't need it for my workshop, which is why I keep it at work.

                    So, if you can borrow a copy, I'd suggest that option before buying.



                    Clive Foster

                      Although there is some overlap with Machinery's Handbook, Newnes Engineers Reference et al Kempe's is a slightly different animal. Besides some data tables it has numerous short articles on a wide range of Engineering and "real", as in doing something practical not modern make it pretty, Design related subjects.

                      I'm inclined to think it intended more of an aid memoir for designers who have not really looked into a subject since university or HNC courses and a quick primer for project management folk who need to either produce sensible outline specifications or verify what they have been given on a quote makes sense. If, like me, you learned to read out of the family encyclopaedia you can read the articles as either an interesting primer or something to get your tried on a new topic. In my working days I found it very useful when les bosses assumed they could pull a fast on on a subject I appeared to know nothing about and as a starter for 10 when I had to dig out some rather specific information in an unrelated field.

                      Realistically nowadays its for the guy who likes books rather than a live information source.

                      I have the 1985 and 1996 editions.


                      Tim Stevens

                        Oh Dear oh Lordy Lordy!

                        The one thing us old uns cannot rely on is our memory. I do not, in fact, know of Kempes, but I have a copy of Kent's Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Design and Production, Ed 12, 1950.

                        So, I withdraw my comments and apologise. But the book I have is a useful reference none the less.

                        Cheers, Tim

                        Michael Gilligan

                          Honourably done, Tim yes


                          jimmy b
                            Posted by Tim Stevens on 15/08/2018 09:52:08:

                            Oh Dear oh Lordy Lordy!

                            The one thing us old uns cannot rely on is our memory. I do not, in fact, know of Kempes, but I have a copy of Kent's Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Design and Production, Ed 12, 1950.

                            So, I withdraw my comments and apologise. But the book I have is a useful reference none the less.

                            Cheers, Tim

                            Yet another book I will track down.!

                            jimmy b

                              Thank you all for the feedback.


                              Howard Lewis

                                Cheer up Tim!

                                As we age we all tend to lose our faculties.

                                But I can't remember which fails first.


                                jimmy b

                                  Got my Kempe's book yesterday.

                                  Better than I thought it.


                                  Jon Lawes

                                    I find myself resorting to google on my phone for the most part. Anyone else find their speakers attract swarf!

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