Maybe I’ve gotten hold of the hot end of the soldering iron but I don’t see where the “free forum” comes in.
I always understood that access to the forum, and digital archive, was conditional on having an active subscription. Let the subscription lapse and no forum or archive access. If it’s not done that way it seems a remarkable management oversight.
Especially in these days when seemingly half the up to date internet content is disappearing behind paywalls so paying for access is becoming the norm. I’ve always said that paywalls are silly idea. Far better charge you internet service provider for copyrighted content so basically you pay a certain amount per MB or GB or copyright content per month rather than committing to paid subscriptions. Arranging matters to avoid direct peer to peer transfer is relatively easy as the origin of everything can be tracked.
As has been said on the other threads discussing future content of Model Engineer and Workshop the potential field for articles is very wide indeed. Which makes it difficult to cover any area widely enough and deeply enough to maintain a particular readers interest in the long term. Beginners guides are essential to keep neophyte new blood flowing but by the fourth time round experienced folk will be saying “Not again!”. Similarly articles aimed at the more experienced may lead the neophyte to question whether its worth paying to read about things they don’t understand.
I don’t know how many threads are started each month in the forum but considering each thread as an “article substitute” I’d guess this effectively extends the magazine content from the 20 or so articles in the printed issue to maybe 100 or more. Effective forums also provide space for experienced folk to guide the less experienced, but still quite knowledgeable, through levels of sufficient arcaneness to be commercial suicide if published.
I really don’t see any way of achieving long term survival of a technically based magazine relying on the readership to write articles without having a tightly linked magazine and forum accessible only to paid subscribers.
Facebook is fundamentally for cat pictures!