Many years ago, a group of us walking along a country road in North Germany, got into a conversation with a farmer in his front 'garden' and ended up being invited into his house. ( He could speak some English) The entrance was down a dirt floor corridor between two brick walls of the house, leading to a couple of steps up to a door with a side-entrance type of gate latch. It led into his kitchen from where a frighteningly steep flight of stone steps led down to his bier cellar. One wall of the corridor had two large unglazed 'window' holes with horizontal restricting bars. The smell had to be sniffed to be believed, caused by his cattle staring through the large dark room. Farmer said his bedroom was over top of the 'cowshed' and was toasty warm in the winter, for free! More recently, I have read of a recommendation to keep rabbits in a large greenhouse to keep it warm for free. All plants of course have to be grown in pots on shelves.
Edited By DMB on 26/12/2022 13:23:57