hi just converted the garage and back room (somewhat) scrounged begged and bought some machines, bridgeport, boxford lathe, tool grinder, surface grinder, saw, pantagraph, various small bits some 110 not problem some 3 phase and some single got a couple of converters various results runs the motor on the lathe but only certain speeds if i fiddle with the boost, bought a VFD and motor not much luck got an electrician to have a look he couldn't see why waiting for a converter from machine mart to come as they tell me i wont have a problem lest i came take it back just wondered if i have a single phase on the chester mill, as the surface grinder i dropped the motor trying to lift it in the bench and bust all the castings….got a new single phase motor same speed and hp but is quite a jolt on start up would just like to here from someone who has got over these problems
thanks hope it makes some sense sam