Our stores only had a counter window and the entrance door was away right at the back . Charlie the store man had one of those hearing aids of the early 60s that were worn in the breast pocket with a cable up to the earpiece and had a thumbwheel volume adjustment.
As apprentices we asked for items in the following manner.:-
1 Proceed to stores window and whisper " give us a new cold chisel Charlie " — Rapid turns on thumbwheel
2 Whisper even quieter same phrase. — More rapid twirling of thumbwheel and tapping of earpiece.
3 Mouth phrase without sound.
4 Run like hell down the corridor with something thrown off the counter following you at great speed and Charlie bellowing obscenities in the background . Charlie used to keep various suitable missiles on the counter , 1" BSW nuts being a favourite I recall.
Gawd help you if you were sent back to stores for something else the same day.!