Just musing


Just musing

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    Mike E.
      Posted by Hopper on 29/10/2016 00:26:43:

      Posted by Involute Curve on 28/10/2016 18:23:43:

      spotted this the other week on trhe back of a clapped out old van, and thought it class………

      Motorcyclists Please overtake!

      Harleys just do ya best

      Bwahaha! Got to get me one of those stickers.

      That's funny, I didn't realize motorcycling was that discriminatory here in the UK; but as a life long bike enthusiast, I find that riding in style beat's being a Ricky racer in a big hurry to go nowhere. Not all Harleys are slugs either, but I guess each to their own, or it may be that I'm just too old, lol.

      Gordon W

        A couple of weeks ago I had some bits advertised in local paper– two chaps turned up, both on Harleys. I quipped – Didn't know there was a tractor pulling contest on. They were not amused, nay sense of humour.

        Mike E.

          Got to have a sense of humour, can't take life too seriously, as nobody is going to get out of it alive. wink

          Nigel McBurney 1

            Years ago I saw written in the dust/dirt on the back of a 5 ton box van, " puff the dirty wagon" based on a popular song of the time. at one time the local council towed a horse trailer with a van ,the trailer contained the trolley for painting white lines ,on the tailgate there was a sign "Warning white lining" and some wit had chalked beneath it "do not feed the white lion" some time ago we were travelling through Norfolk and caught up with a refreshment van ,with registration TEA A11

            Swarf, Mostly!

              Years ago when I lived in Essex, I occasionally used to see a van belonging to a firm of Asian builders.

              The signage gave the name and contact number followed by the slogan: 'You've had the cowboys – now try the Indians'.

              Best regards,

              Swarf, Mostly!

              Neil Wyatt

                A very long time ago as a student I saw a gig, and the support band was called 'Raid the North'.

                Afterwards in the muck on their van someone had written 'Raid the Fridge' – funny what things stick in your mind!


                martin perman 1

                  On the telly the other night there was a picture of a motorcyclist who had a tee shirt on which read "if you can read this the wife's fallen off the bike"

                  Martin P

                  Martin Whittle

                    Back in the 1970's the car spares firm Unipart promoted itself with the (then) well known slogan 'thousands of parts for millions of cars'

                    Simple maths appears to show it had only one useful part for every thousand cars sad


                    Nick Wheeler

                      Considering that Unipart was BL's parts division, millions of parts for thousands of cars would have been more appropriate. I bought a NOS driveshaft coupling for my sister's 1300 that looked like it had been machined with a blunt spoon.

                      Harry Wilkes

                        Best one I have seen was on the side of a very dirty white van many years back 'Jesus Saves' underneath ' But Kegan scores on the rebound ! '

                        Paul Barrett

                          Saw a sewage wagon the other day and their slogan on the back was "We are No1 in the No 2 business"

                          Very apt I thought.


                            On a similar scatological theme, a place I worked at for a short while was known by the locals as the second hand food factory.


                              We have a tanker around here with "This tank is full of political promises" the contents of the tanker should be obvious. I also saw a car sticker the other day "Jesus loves you – but everyone else thinks you're a p**tt

                              Ian P

                                In the late 60s I saw a very smart, small black van (about A35 size) with the number plate showing 'NO 5'.

                                The only writing on each side the side of the van was one word 'Chanel'

                                Ian P

                                ANDY CAWLEY

                                  The second day into a fortnights tootle round France I was congratulated by a Dutchman on my marriage.

                                  It appeared that someone (my niece) had written "just married" on the back of the van in lipstick, very funny as we have been wed for 49 1/2 years!🙄.

                                  We left the sign on as it made us lots of new pals!!!!!!!😀

                                  John Stevenson 1

                                    Somebody with a warped sense of humor ? Caught this in the summer on the way down to the pub.


                                      This crate that I use in the garden always raises a smile:-


                                      Howard Lewis

                                        Thought that lot of vehicles are no longer sign written, (for large fleets) but use vinyls "stuck" on using a heat gun.

                                        Silliest thing seen was a large truck carrying the company's name in some unusual font. SO unusual that you could not read it! (Didn't fancy spending an hour, three feet off its rear, deciphering whatever had been written on it)

                                        Triumph of hype over communication?


                                        fat fingers again

                                        Edited By Howard Lewis on 05/11/2016 17:30:59

                                        Gordon A

                                          Every company seems to need an "ing" mission statement these days such as "Support{ing} this or maintain{ing} that.

                                          Followed an Ann Summers truck a few years ago. "Delivering pleasure" !!



                                            Following on from Howards posting. Some of the Psychedelic rock band had posters that if you weren't 'turned on' enough you would find difficult to read….. so who is playing?bg051-po.jpg

                                            Edited By stevetee on 05/11/2016 20:03:43


                                              Nice poster. 1967. Well it's not Don Henley tho he would know,

                                              'Out on the road today, I saw a DEADHEAD sticker on a Cadillac'.

                                              martin perman 1

                                                The Canned Heat Blues Band


                                                  Heady stuff. I saw the Dead at Wembley about 25 years ago. Truly a really amazing night.


                                                  Edited By JA on 05/11/2016 22:46:50

                                                  Edited By JA on 05/11/2016 22:47:34

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