…so after the round of “What’s it for threads?” I thought I’d better say hello officially 🙂
I’m 51, work in IT and I’m very bored with it. Over the coming years I want to sort of semi-retire into machining.
The idea being to make ends meet fixing things and doing (very) short production runs as well as indulging my hobby, classic motorbikes.
I’m starting from zero pretty much, no machines, no experience worth mentioning, just a healthy dollop of common sense and logical thinking.
I had been planning to get straight into it with a decent sized lathe and mill etc but two the two main things holding me back are space (3mx6m already quite full) and proximity to neighbours for the noise. I’m looking for a new house without those constraints but it’s proving tricky.
I’m now mellowing much more to the idea of more in the way of “bench top” machines to start with…in-fact more than mellowing. It’s the only way realistically I can make a start.
What I’d really like to is to take on someone’s hobby workshop in its entirety. That would really keep the costs down and get me up and running quickly. I wouldn’t retire from IT until I’ve built up enough skills so we’re probably talking 3 or 4 years down the line but I’m working as a contractor at the moment and seem to have big gaps between contracts these days.
Ok – that’s about it – wish me luck please 🙂