Basically a good little loco; and my society built a 7.25" g version for its portable-track use. All fabricated.
However we made one improvement in an overhaul, but worth building from new, by replacing the one-sided swinging-link that supported the valve-rod clevis in the original design, with simple trunk-guides fitted to the pump stretcher.
I think from memory, LBSC also specified only one lifting-link per expansion link, but we fitted a pair to each (the normal practice).
I am not sure what the drawings say about securing the tanks to the running-boards, but I suspect nuts and bolts. We fitted large-headed brass screws soldered through the tank floors, to act as studs. Better still, avoiding exposed threads vulnerable to damage, are screws up into blind bushes soldered into the tank floors. Both obviate having to seal potentially-leaky screw-threads – I am using tank bushes on my steam-wagon's brass water-tank.
We also made the superstructure in such a way that it comes off in four big chunks, having disconnected a few pipes and removed only a few screws, to assist servicing. The chunks are the spectacle-plate; the cab-roof plus cut-away bunker and side-panels, then each tank still on its entire running-board.
Good Luck with it!