Its been an interesting day and last night…
Yesterday I replaced the V lateral pivots with pin on flats. After that the Q had dropped from around 12000 to 8000. I found issues with the knife edge alignment, and carefully adjusted that and di Q runs till the adjustment was at peak – Q done only at 61% (xPix2). This ended up at Q = 10000 average – still down on my 12500 achieved previously.
However, what I also did during the V pivot replacement was add the Opto interrupter and accompanying vane on the pendulum. The vane is a long vane – 20mm x 10mm, and starts at the opto slot at BDC, and then covers the slot completely for 1 half swing, so I get a 0.5Hz square wave out of the opto,
So…. I removed the vane and opto and did a run again – Q=12600! Did another, Q=12400…
Put the vane and opto back – made SURE there is no rubbing or touching, Q=10100 …
Removed the opto and the mounting plate and did another run – Q=11000…
And last, remove the vane as well, again, – Q=12550.
The aerodynamic effects of the Bob play a massive role on Q! Just that little vane, brass shim stock, costs 1000 in Q.
I must rethink the mechanics on the vane completely.
I tried using the zero crossing on me Angle sensor, but that gives me a few 10's of us jitter, which I would like to avoid.
I also have the bob adjuster protrude below the bob, a 20mm OD x 30mm long 'nut' . Now the bob position is almost on the sweet spot, I can adjust the rate with just the two top adjuster nuts, top near the pivot, so I will cut that bob nut flush with the bottom of the bob.
The nuts is seen in the lower left photo below, sticking out away from the rod.

I think we underestimate the effects of bob shape and bits that stick out on the aerodynamic result.
The new lateral pivots:

The brass bar can be screwed down hard on the pin, or it can be left floating on the pin, or it can be lifted so the pivot pin is free

The brass shim vane, center picture, almost in the opto

John asked I do a run-down and let it sit , logging data – I am still logging, but after 6 hours, the pendulum is still swinging – 117mv PP ( scope probes are X10) The angle sensor gives 2V PP for a 2deg swing, so this residual of 117mv is around 117millidegrees PP!
Walking about 3meters from the pendulum, 8 steps in 5sec, par to the pendulum, and the swing increases to 134mv..

Pendulum research in a town is difficult..