Though no longer, I have been a member of my ‘local club’ on three separate occasions. The first two reasons for lapse of member ship were simply that of overseas work and disappearing from time to time for lengthy periods. The third, regretably, was when my travelling companion and fellow club member lost his wife and sadly his interest in virtually everything thereafter. I no longer needed to take him and gradually it became easier not to go and after a couple of years membership without attendance I stopped altogether. This did also coincide with some health problems which eventually led to a total disinterest with machining .
I still stay in touch with members and committee members of said club but they like many others have leaned far to the running of locos which they do extremely well but that is not for me. It was always a well run and friendly society but I’m sure that some members would confirm my only but regular critiscim was the lack of evenings devoted to, you guessed it, model engineering – read actually making something and the techniques etc required. The best evenings were always the ‘Bits and Pieces’ nights when members brought what they were working on.
What has this got to do with the topic – well, In my book what better club could you be in than this forum.
We can communicate daily with people of absolute similar interests and can give and receive help at a stroke. Since joining this site my interest has been totally revitalised thanks to that positive interaction.
Of course its nice to have social activity as well – and yes I do miss that at times – and let’s face it if you are building a loco then you do need a track but club life isn’t neccessarily an essential ingredient to all ME activity. The worst thing about a clubs machinations, ME or other though, is when, through ill considered thought by those whose postion should tell them better, it leaves the very people they aspire to be there for feeling disillusioned and somewhat hurt like those above. That can’t be right but I guess that would pass some in authoritive positions completely by but how do you solve it? With difficulty I guess.
Since my first posting on here however I have ‘met’ some very helpful, knowlegeable and friendly people, I’ve made mistakes and been put right but I like to think I’ve been able to help where possible too. It’s this readiness of others to help and take a interest in your problems that never fails to accentuate what a superb facility this is.
So don’t be too disilusioned by those who chose to be rather less than forthcomng
I would say we have it here – at our finger tips – a really great CLUB – open to everyone and long may it remain.
Regards – Ramon