Another bit of the 30mm EN8 was chucked up with about 40mm sticking out, faced, center drilled with a BS 0 bit and then roughed out to about 8mm.

Then a bit more was exposed and the step for the drive nut roughed out a little over dia.

I then held it by what will be the web, supported with the tail stock centre and reduced the bearing area down to 13mm.

You may have noticed that I am using a holder that makes use of teh other two corners of blunt CCMT inserts, I find this very good for roughing cuts, it whizzed through the EN8 with 0.050" depth of cut producing a nice pile of swarf.

I then reversed the part in the chuck, faced off, drilled out to 8.5mm reduced the OD to finished size and chamfered all corners.

Now I had a face to work from the web was turned to thickness plus the 0.2mm for the raised area around the pin, bearing dia turrned ready for honing and the larger 0.2mm raised area formed.

The other diameters were finish turned to dia and length before the usual chamfering.

The 12mm dia was then honed until it just started to enter the bearing.

The 1/4"x28 UNC thread was cut on the end with the use of the tailstock die holder.

Then over to the mill to add some shape to the web using a boring head.

And repeated for the other side, now the cutting fluid has been wiped off you can see I also used the DRO to spot the crank pin position.

Holding the crank in a vee block I lightly marked a vertical line on the end while it was tilted to 40deg.

This line was then used to make sure the crank was held at the correct angle for milling.

Here the flat area and the 8mm slot have been milled.

Then the flat for the drive nut

Edited By JasonB on 21/07/2012 21:01:11