Posted by Ian S C on 18/02/2016 12:34:20:
I hope you have not contaminated the graphite piston with oil or the silicon sealer. I'd tend to lay off the blow lamp, one chap on another forum was complaining about over heating, he was using meths because it makes it go faster.
The arms that support the flywheel, are they just attached with one screw each, is that all that keeps them alined?
Ian S C
No silicone contamination but i did try oil on the graphite when nothing else was working.. nowt to lose and can always make another.
I was careful re heating with blowlamp but again nothing much to lose. Ina worst case the glass cylinder would have slumped down and I'm classy at cutting glassy now…
Flywheel support arms were made as a glued together pair. the drawng has them held by one bolt and soldered. I decded on using epoxy steel as being more controllable. But it is a weal point in the design.. with the benfit of hindsight the bearing holes could have been made once the arms were assembled and with a spacing tube to be sure of boring them in alignment. the base the arms attach to is only 4mm thick and really that isn;t enough to guarantee parallelism and no twist. Yet another option woudl be to remake that base part thicker at that end (either a three layer sandwich or a thicker block and sculpt it pretty and mill the thickened sides true. From just ebing able to force the graphite into the glass cylinder (press fit) and then using a bit of grey scotchbrite was a reduction of 1.5 microns.
I used a very very light oil to see if it would improve tht seal..if anything it made the graphite slippier.
And to add to woes the vaccuum cleaner decided itwas too full and let my lathe get covered in graphite.. so more cleaning.
If/when i get back to it then the lazy wy forward will be a new graphite, loosen up the flywheel bearing holders for a sloppyish fit and sit the bearings on a thin layer epoxy while paired on a close fitting axle and balance the flywheel with some lead strips (lead was in the barn in the dark yesterday)
if that fails then it's redesign the flywheel arms and base and ceramic bearings. The arms are 4mm thick so it should be possible to make clamp holders and with the flywheel hub beng thicker than the rim then the arms could be made with an inner stiffening spine along part length or milled out of one piece…..?