Nigel, yes you are right. Most of the grease nipples on the 540 should be fed with oil. I would imagine that most machines have been abused in this respect at some time or other. I found after removing a nipple on my elevation wheel I couldn't blow air through the hole. I had to press the brass bush out to find out that grease in the passages was the cause of the "blockage". Still to get oil in a nipple one needs to use a gun, so I imagine pressure from that would displace the grease without too much difficulty, but at least now I know it was nothing more serious.
Chris, thanks for your guidance re the table removal. Mine actually moves nicely. I can even slide it by one hand without the pump running. I can also see all the ways are fully scraped suggesting no great wear. Regardless, the table will be coming off. I think I'm like you…I just have to take things apart and don't worry about not being able to rebuild. Where there's a will, theres a way.
One thing I do have is some patches of corrosion on the top of the table where the chuck sits. There is some on the base of the chuck too of course but I can turn that upside down to grind it. However the standard wheel will not reach the table. Its about an inch clear. What I thought I could do is fit an oversize wheel (after checking speed limits of course) then I will be able to grind the table flat and remove the pitting. Is there is another way ?? I cant think of one other than have it machined when the table is off the machine…..but this wont be anything like as accurate. Any thoughts ?
Dave S – great info.