I think it's hard to judge just what is and what is not suitable in the magazine. The "Teach-In 2014" is a good example. I've been around the hobby for, maybe, 50 years so to me it represents rather drawn out descriptions overburdened with pictures. HOWEVER for someone new to the hobby it is likely to be just what they want. I note that the next step is to make something and, for the beginner, a hand holding introduction, is just the thing. Maybe Paul, as the series evolves, that will satisfy the newcomers.
I've been taking the mag since issue 1 and mostly, on the principle of use them or lose them, buying it from my local newsagent. I don't find everything in every issue interesting but, on most occasions, there is enough to make me purchase the mag. Occasionally there is nearly nothing of interest to me and now I don't buy those issues. ( I also have to face up to the fact that, although we have quite a large house, I really can't KEEP ON collecting "stuff"
Edited By NJH on 26/06/2014 10:57:43