Issue 218 will be a bit special…


Issue 218 will be a bit special…

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop Issue 218 will be a bit special…

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  • #156270
      Posted by Tim Stevens on 25/06/2014 18:03:50:

      Posted by CoalBurner on 24/06/2014 17:03:54:

      … ALSO, looking at the preview index, their is a spelling mistake in the title for the cabinets article …

      Indeed 'their' is.

      Pot, kettle, black?

      Cheers, Tim

      Dammit, you got me LOL,
      must preef rood me text more betta next thyme

      And I wasn't 'calling' anyone merely pointing out an error that may have potentially gone to print – smarta**se

      John Stevenson 1
        Posted by OMG on 24/06/2014 22:53:39:

        > Renowned expert Ken Sprayson gives advice on motorcycle frame building


        Probably because Mr Sprayson is better versed on motor cycle frames than say prams.

        John Stevenson 1
          Posted by Bazyle on 25/06/2014 12:19:52:

          While I'm prepared to accept that motorbike frame building is related I think it is a bit of a waste of a cover picture opportunity. Is it an attempt to get bikers confused about the contents and buy the issue and see if they are then hooked?

          Another issue recently had a car on the front – same reaction from me.

          But only anoraks can spot a dividing head on the shelves of W. H. Schmitt and Co, GMBH from 15 paces.

          It's a cunning plot by the management to get more 12" to the foot scale model builders to sign up.


            I have always felt that the MODEL in the title was irrelevant anyway. It purely represents the magazines initial derivation from ME. HSM does not have Model in its title but does a lot of articles on them. Perhaps Home Engineers Workshop would more accurately represent the diverse interests of the readership. I don't make models but the techniques discussed will, I hope, prove invaluable when I build the engine for my steam launch project. We are in danger of being bogged down by our differences rather than benefitting from our similarities. The content is the relevant thing, and I usually find something to divert me from reading a real book!

            BW to all



              | Bending and welding is part of engineering, but relevant to model makers?

              Bending. shaping, working with tube and silver soldering certainly is! Ever built a boiler? !


              Neil Wyatt

                I hate to disappoint, but Ken has already covered tube bending in issue 146. This article is more about design process.


                John Coates

                  well I'm a biker who bought a lathe in 2009 for modifying my bikes and went searching on the t'interweb for a support site and found here


                  over the past five years I have read many interesting posts and replies and bought every copy of MEW either since subscribing at issue 160 or buying up back issues

                  so 218 sounds right up my street and I can't wait

                  over the years there has been the occasional "non-model" content which has been more amazing than the normal stuff, thinking particularly where they used a Bridgeport to machine some mahoosive round things (maybe full size loco wheels, I can't be bothered to go in the attic to find it)

                  I like the way you're taking things Mr Neil thumbs up


                  Edited By John Coates on 25/06/2014 20:15:19

                  Gone Away

                    Posted by martin perman on 25/06/2014 16:36:18:

                    whatever the Editor puts in the magazine will not please everyone, there are articles that I dont like but I read them to see if there is anything I could use but I dont complain as I know that there will be in other issues stuff that is of interest to me.


                    Here we go again – how many times has this been done here? Someone points out that a particular article doesn't appear to fit the magazine's "mandate" (as implied by the magazine's title) and gets labelled with the attitude "if I don't like it I don't want it in the mag". This is all in your head, not mine.

                    I too have seen plenty of articles in the past that do nothing for me but wouldn't dream of complaining on that basis since they were obviously appropriate content. I imagine the same is true for most people here. Big deal.

                    I think Keith hit the nail on the head …. remove the "Model" from the title. (Of course you may stand to lose as many subscribers from the Model Engineering community as you gain from the vehicle builders and others).

                    Edited By OMG on 25/06/2014 21:53:46

                    Gone Away
                      Posted by Neil Wyatt on 25/06/2014 18:33:58:

                      > What the hey. I've bailed anyway.

                      Well only a fool would amend his editorial policy to respond to criticism from someone who doesn't reading the magazine! You should take a look, there's plenty in 218 and hopefully something to interest any home engineer.

                      Oh, I don't know Neil. I could imagine a few editors who might be interested in the views of people who have stopped subscribing. Even more so perhaps than the views of those subscribers who, in knee-jerk fashion, agree with everything the editor says or does, no matter what.

                      Your use of the term "home engineer" (not model engineer) is interesting.

                      Bill Pudney

                        As far as I'm concerned anything by a legend like Ken Sprayson is worth reading. Just because it's not obviously and directly related to model engineering doesn't mean that it's really interesting and of value. I like the cover picture as well!

                        Keep up the good work.



                        Ray Lyons

                          When I was a teenager and into my early 20s I was into motorbikes and subscribed to motorcycle magzines. Later after buying my first car the subscription was changed to a motor magazine for almost 50 years. I stopped taking that when getting out from under the car became too difficult and anyway cars became too complicated for the home mechanic.
                          I bought Model Engineer from the time of leaving school and only stopped my subscription when MEW began publishing on a regular basis so why would I now want to go back to cars and motorcycles. Continue at this rate and new title will evolve, perhaps Hobbies Magazine.

                          Paul Barrett

                            Like OMG I "bailed" but have since renewed my sub since Neil has taken over. Already the mag is so much better than before. Just need to get rid of "Teach in 2014" series and fill the pages with something more relevant to teach a beginner. You couldn't learn anything from those articles, just confusion.


                              I think it's hard to judge just what is and what is not suitable in the magazine. The "Teach-In 2014" is a good example. I've been around the hobby for, maybe, 50 years so to me it represents rather drawn out descriptions overburdened with pictures. HOWEVER for someone new to the hobby it is likely to be just what they want. I note that the next step is to make something and, for the beginner, a hand holding introduction, is just the thing. Maybe Paul, as the series evolves, that will satisfy the newcomers.

                              I've been taking the mag since issue 1 and mostly, on the principle of use them or lose them, buying it from my local newsagent. I don't find everything in every issue interesting but, on most occasions, there is enough to make me purchase the mag. Occasionally there is nearly nothing of interest to me and now I don't buy those issues. ( I also have to face up to the fact that, although we have quite a large house, I really can't KEEP ON collecting "stuff"


                              Edited By NJH on 26/06/2014 10:57:43

                              Gone Away

                                Teach-In 2014 does at least fit the reasonable content expectation of a magazine entitled "Model Engineers Workshop". The fact that it's somewhat poorly done is another issue entirely. (The use of expressions such as ' .005 thou ' must have beginners climbing the wall I should think).

                                Neil Wyatt

                                  I must ask my fellow editor of "Radio Control Models and Electronics" if he gets endless debate on his forums about the lack of "electronics" articles in his publication


                                  > ' .005 thou '

                                  Ouch! Should have spotted that one.


                                    " .005 thou -" OH – is that wrong then? And there was me thinking it was a drive to encourage newcomers to embrace precision!






                                    Edited By NJH on 26/06/2014 16:21:19

                                    John Stevenson 1


                                      Precision is plus or minus a post code……………………….

                                      frank brown

                                        On re-reading No. 218, I studied Malcolm High's article on a quick change tool post stand, and I was flabbergasted., laser cut out of 6mm steel?, tool holders with ears on them to stop them falling out? (and welded!). Out of curiosity, I looked at the website to find the cost of the bits and I could not find it. I had intentioned to find the cost and suggest a cheaper alternative system, I have thought of multiple solutions, none as complex or expensive as Malcolm's.

                                        I think that Neil should run a competition to find the "best" solution with a beer drinking voucher as the prize, a photograph of 1L bottles of water hanging at each of the 10 stations, one inch out from the back, providing the entry, with a breakdown of materials.

                                        I shall not be cancelling my subscription.



                                          Strangely enough I know of several of the traction engine boys (and girls) who have found getting lazer cut parts cheaper than buying in plate due to the lazer companies ability to purchase at lower rates than we can for a small offcut. I found it the same when I wanted some 5mm plate for my Galloway Wheels, cheaper to buy four 6" lazered discs off the net than buy a 12×12 sheet.

                                          Small items like this will likely be nested in withlarger jobs so they are really just uising up the waste material and you are just paying for lazer time

                                          So maybe not as expensive as you may think


                                          Edited By JasonB on 15/07/2014 20:44:07

                                          Neil Wyatt

                                            Hi Frank,

                                            Malcolm sent me an email which included; "10 holders are £30 including Vat but plus P&P at cost for your information."

                                            Which doesn't seem excessive to me?


                                            John Stevenson 1


                                              Are you Amerrrykun ?

                                              There is no Z in laser. It's an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

                                              Only our redneck cousins say Light Amplification by Zimulated Emission of Radiation

                                              Neil Wyatt

                                                He's been building too many of these Yankee barn engines


                                                Chris Trice

                                                  I admit I found the toolpost rack “interesting” but for the life of me couldn’t understand why he didn’t simply put up a shelf above the lathe like I have. A shelf is arguably more versatile too.

                                                  Carl Wilson 4

                                                    "I think Keith hit the nail on the head …. remove the "Model" from the title. (Of course you may stand to lose as many subscribers from the Model Engineering community as you gain from the vehicle builders and others)."

                                                    You say that like its a bad thing.

                                                    John Stevenson 1

                                                      Sorry but I disagree with the tool holder rack.

                                                      I think it's quite an elegant solution and there is nothing to stop it being mounted vertical in the odd space at the end of shelves or even as an end to a set of shelves hanging down.

                                                      Laser cutting may not be for everyone and could be out of some peoples reach cost wise but these sort of people [ no disrespect ] have more time than money so it would be as easy for them to mill so many slots and if they are being welded in then a straight piece of bar will suffice to save even more work.

                                                      I think what you need to do here is look outside the box, not take what Malcolm has put as gospel, and see how a similar idea can suit you.

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