Another thank-you to Adrian for the pointer to Aspen, which I'd not heard of but sounds ideal for my chainsaw which gets only intermittent and unpredictable use.
I'm not sure if it's relevant to the OP, but as meths has been discussed, it may be useful to know that Industrial Denatured Alcohol (as HMRC call it) is readily available at reasonable prices (eg £22 / 5 litres from Astor and Windsor) should it be wanted. This is 99% ethanol 1% methanol v/v. It does require a licence from HMRC, but that is not difficult to obtain. When I applied I was interested in fomulating home-brew wood dyes and finishes, and they accepted that as sufficient reason for a 10 litre/year licence without question. Of course pure ethanol is hygroscopic and will eventually dilute itself to around 96% if left exposed to air.
This discussion also reminded of a common chemistry lab solvent known as petroleum ether, which is available in various bp ranges, the most volatile being 40-60. I believe this to be a refined mix of alkanes, but I have no idea as to the proportion of straight-chain to branched isomers, which would presumably influence it's usefulness as an IC fuel. Might be worth an experiment for those in the IC world tho?