Is this distasteful


Is this distasteful

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      Michael Gilligan
        Posted by Peter Bell on 10/03/2022 19:15:23:


        I assumed that the tea room was for discussing anything which is not offensive based on other topics I have seen over the years—


        A pretty reasonable assumption, I would say





          As neil said when he first added "the Tea Room"


          'The Tea Room' will be a place for loosely engineering related chat. The popular 'what did you do today' thread will go here and is a guide to what sort of discussion is appropriate. The 'aircraft general discussion' thread will also go here.

          I will stress that forum rules still apply to ALL topics and that threads should still have a relation to our common interest in engineering. For example 'Scrapheap Challenge' might be a subject for discussion in the tea room, but I doubt that 'X Factor' belongs there."

          Two mentions of some loose relation to engineering

          As it seems quantity of posts and visitor numbers to the forum are more important to some people than content things have become a bit more lax.

          Former Member

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              Posted by Georgineer on 10/03/2022 13:40:20:

              If we're correctly informed then, I'm breaking the law by having as a souvenir the first cartridge fired from an experimental 30 mm cannon I designed. Oh dear.

              While I wait for the police to come and get me I shall pass the time by making an almost-relevant post in the Financial Surnames thread.

              You are a very naughty boy wink

              I saw a curious lump of metal for sale described as, "Rifling cutter for a Lewis gun".

              Technically illegal but I could not resist.

              I am unlikely to start making illicit Lewis guns, which I understand to be a modified Maxim, unless you know of a market for them?



                Deja Vu, again..

                How many people….


                  No BR I have not stopped it. As I said it is an advantage to others such as Neil to be able to show a large amount of forum activity so I take my lead from him. We allow quite a lot of leeway but do draw the line somewhere.


                    This tea room business is easy: Either you sit all day chatting in the tea room or you don't and get some work done instead.

                    I like reading and writing on forums but they are a distaction from the real world which is the workshop.


                    The Lewis gun was not a variant of the Maxim. The former was gas operated and fired from an open breech, the latter was recoil operated and fired from a closed breech. The Vickers was the British version of the Maxim.

                    Edited By JA on 11/03/2022 11:31:38

                    Neil Wyatt

                      Ok folks, as I have Covid I'm not feeling 100% and not keeping a close eye on things. Plus, I still have a fair bit of brain fog, so more time spent correcting the typos here than typing it out!

                      Some people will always find anything gun related offensive. I am distressed by the situation in Ukraine, but I don't feel a need to get rid of my model tanks and military aircraft. Factual discussion of what was an unknown object isn't glorifying war, but i can understand why some may no wish to read about it at the moment – so if you don't, don't.

                      The rules here are fairly broad and applied with sensible discretion.

                      In general, it is if discussion becomes offensive, ill-tempered or discriminatory that we act.

                      I think most of us are long enough in the tooth to judge what is genuinely going too far. Otherwise, make more use of the ignore button or don't visit topics you would rather not read.

                      This forum is more conservative than some I use, and less so than others. It is probably the one where people get most vocal about things going away from the core purpose.

                      I think this is ironic as so many of our users don't use much or any other social media so this website is useful for them to have wider, informal discussions with other people.

                      Especially with the isolation that's resulted from the pandemic, this forum has been important to a lot of people for social interaction in a way that was never originally intended. This is a very good thing, and that's fundamentally why things like tomato seeds are OK to discuss.

                      Finally, yes, that's why we have the tea room topic, anyone wanting just to talk engineering has an easy way to avoid such discussion if they wish to. No one is being forced to read anything.

                      It's like a newspaper, if you don't like football, ignore the back page, don't have a row with the newsagent!


                      Peter G. Shaw

                        Thankyou Neil for your comments above, and please get well soon.

                        For myself, on leaving full time work some 26 years ago, I lost a valuable resource – the ability to go and find someone who had knowledge about whatever it was I was struggling with, not necessarily work related. To that extent, this forum, and another I frequent, have become substitutes for that lost resource, which is why I like to see disparate threads, especially those in the Tea Room. Incidently, I wonder how many readers would have their memories jogged if I said "Tea Bar"?

                        Being now in my very late 70's, and having cancer and hence being classed as clinically extremely vulnerable, I seldom leave home so another reason for threads such as the Tea Room, is to gain exposure to other people's thoughts. After all, if I think that the views of Joe Soap (apologies if there is such a person) are the best thoughts going, yet everyone else thinks he is utter rubbish, then without such a thread, I won't get to know.

                        Interestingly, Neil says that he is distressed by the Ukraine problem. I'm not, not because I don't care, but because whatever happens, it's outside my control. My wife is similar to Neil, (sorry about that Neil – I wouldn't wish her on anyone!), and she does not accept that I will not allow myself to get uptight about events over which I have no control. Ok, that makes me appear hard hearted, but unless someone allows me to have my say, and then acts upon what I have said, then what is the point of me becoming uptight – I've enough problems dealing with those events that I can control.

                        FWIW, one of the other forums I frequent is indeed strict. The mods are forever telling people off if they have crossed their guidelines, and in one instance this lead to the person concerned being banned, although I could not see what was wrong. (Actually I could see what was supposed to be wrong, but as far as I was concerned, it was mildly interesting but nothing to get hot under the collar about. But then perhaps that's just me.) Sometimes as well, posts just disappear with no reason given, although I understand that this may be due to the way the software works.


                        Peter G. Shaw

                        David-Clark 1

                          Hi Peter

                          i to am classed as clinically vulnerable but I recovered from cancer just over 7, probably 8 years ago. I rarely go out as I am almost completely bed ridden. I am improving since I had a pacemaker fitted last year, and I am getting stronger.

                          I am looking forward at putting a Unimat 3 lathe in the back bedroom and doing some small work on it.

                          My family sold my workshop, most of it went up the tip, when they thought I was dying of cancer but I fooled them ha ha.

                          After about 7 years of not being allowed a workshop, my wife has left me and I am setting one up. At least with her gone, I can afford one.

                          It will only be a small workshop but it will keep me busy. It will be based on a desk as I have to get a wheelchair up close to it due to a lower leg amputation. I know the amputation will not be a problem as I remembered meeting a chap from Reading who had two legs amputated and still made many lovely model steam engines. Is he still around?


                            Tony Boxhall passed away a couple of years ago, built many fine scaled down models based on Anthony Mount Designs on I think an old Flexspeed or at least something very similar. Had the pleasure of running a few of his engines at the Guildford shows.

                            Jon Lawes

                              I'm a right leg amputee, above knee, the only limit I find is I need to sit down quite often, usually in between machining tasks.

                              Peter G. Shaw


                                I have had cancer now for something like 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 years, probably longer if you include the pre-discovery period. It turned out that there was a specific drug targetted at my type of cancer and which has had the effect of shrinking it down to a static state, but I'm told that the drug will eventually stop working at which point I will be changed onto another drug. I therefore assume that I'm likely to have cancer and the concommitent pill until I die. Oh well!

                                Fortunately, I am still completely intact – well, that's my opinion, but others may well disagree, especially after the headscan that said there was nothing there, thus proving that all those people who called me empty-head were correct! Unfortunately, I do suffer from cold which may be due to a side effect of one of the pills I'm on following a mild heart attack. Which means that workshop time comes to a halt in winter, my workshop being my garage. I do have some small heaters on the lathe and milling machine so they never achieve that bone chilling cold that the vice does, but even so ….. Still, it gives me chance to delve into the family genealogy.

                                As far as disposing of my workshop goes, it will be over my dead body – I hope. But in any case, I doubt very much that it will make much money as the main items are all out of production and were not particularly expensive to start with, and, it turns out were somewhat poor quality, so there is no incentive to try and sell it.

                                So, there we are, old, failing slowly, with a wife who thinks it her bounded duty to spend what she can, and so on and so forth. And with that,


                                Peter G. Shaw

                                p.s. As some of you may have gathered, I can be very facetious, these days deliberately so. In fact, it's one way of keeping my spirits up. And these days, I no longer care – lets be daft, lets be happy.

                                David-Clark 1

                                  I to am right leg amputee but nelow the knee. I can’t stand up except to pivot my leg from bed to wheelchair then back again. But I intend to start machining again –

                                  David-Clark 1

                                    Hi Peter

                                    I had a wife like that, spend spend spend. She left a month ago. Not been so well off for years.

                                    4 weeks gone and I can build another workshop that she can’t take up the dump.

                                    I still have lots of small tools in a wooden shed but not seen them in 2 1/2 years since we Last moved.


                                      David-Clark 1 …… so are you the original DC1 from these forums and ME/MEW?

                                      Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 11/03/2022 18:27:21

                                      David-Clark 1

                                        Yes, that is me. About 8 years away from the forum and model engineering, mainly due to bad health.

                                        Robert Atkinson 2

                                          On legality, UK gun law is complex these day and much depends on context. Generally small caliber cases, projectiles (bullets) and plain blank rounds do not require a licence to purchase or own. In fact you can in theory buy certain sizes of primer, cases, projectiles, propellant and equipment to load it without a licence (a certain amount of propellent will require a magaine licence from the local council). If you put them together you have committed an offence. Inpractice few suppliers will sell certain items if they don't "know" you and are quite likey to report the purchase.
                                          A rifling tool is not illegal to own. There are fewer requirement on owning a real vintage firearm than on owning realistic plastic replica of the same item.
                                          It is very easy to fall foul of the regulations. Best avoid all parts unless you take expert advice (the above is NOT expert advice).

                                          The latest knife laws are even worse.


                                          Many items that were once OK to own (but perhps not carry) are now iilegal even in your own home. Many people on here may have owned one of these banned items for years without even realising it is now illegal.
                                          I carry a multitool, have done for over 25 years. Currently it's a Leatherman Charge. This has two blades that can be opened single handed and lock open. This makes it a lock knife. As The blades are under 3 inches it can be carried in public with "good reason". Rather than running the risk of having to justify this to a police officer and possibly a judge, I've cut the locking tabs off and rely on friction nd care to keep the blade in place.

                                          Mike Poole

                                            I just purchased some dessert spoons from Viners, the box had a big label that declared bladed item and check age of recipient. I knew one chap who kept his tea spoon in his breast pocket of his boiler suit, a six inch rule seemed to be good enough for many.


                                            Edited By Mike Poole on 11/03/2022 22:58:17

                                              Posted by David-Clark 1 on 11/03/2022 19:07:04:

                                              Yes, that is me. About 8 years away from the forum and model engineering, mainly due to bad health.

                                              Welcome back!

                                              David-Clark 1

                                                Thank you. Glad to be back.

                                                Lots coming back to me.


                                                  I saw a video the other day of a reporter stopping random people on the street, and asking them "Sir, are you happy?".

                                                  One guy nailed it.

                                                  He said "Yes I am happy !".

                                                  The said "Why?".

                                                  He said "Because I am alive", and off he walked.

                                                  I feel the same way.

                                                  Every day is a gift in my opinion.

                                                  Michael Gilligan

                                                    This will probably be distasteful to some, but it’s an important reality-check

                                                    Today’s Daily Telegraph has an article entitled

                                                    “The inside story of how Britain armed Ukraine’s resistance to Russia”

                                                    It features brief details of NLAW

                                                    … a weapon without which the brave Ukrainians would not be doing quite so well.


                                                      Posted by Peter G. Shaw on 11/03/2022 17:35:38:


                                                      I have had cancer now for something like 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 years, probably longer if you include the pre-discovery period. It turned out that there was a specific drug targetted at my type of cancer and which has had the effect of shrinking it down to a static state, but I'm told that the drug will eventually stop working at which point I will be changed onto another drug. I therefore assume that I'm likely to have cancer and the concommitent pill until I die. Oh well!

                                                      Fortunately, I am still completely intact – well, that's my opinion, but others may well disagree, especially after the headscan that said there was nothing there, thus proving that all those people who called me empty-head were correct! Unfortunately, I do suffer from cold which may be due to a side effect of one of the pills I'm on following a mild heart attack. Which means that workshop time comes to a halt in winter, my workshop being my garage. I do have some small heaters on the lathe and milling machine so they never achieve that bone chilling cold that the vice does, but even so ….. Still, it gives me chance to delve into the family genealogy.

                                                      As far as disposing of my workshop goes, it will be over my dead body – I hope. But in any case, I doubt very much that it will make much money as the main items are all out of production and were not particularly expensive to start with, and, it turns out were somewhat poor quality, so there is no incentive to try and sell it.

                                                      So, there we are, old, failing slowly, with a wife who thinks it her bounded duty to spend what she can, and so on and so forth. And with that,


                                                      Peter G. Shaw

                                                      p.s. As some of you may have gathered, I can be very facetious, these days deliberately so. In fact, it's one way of keeping my spirits up. And these days, I no longer care – lets be daft, lets be happy.

                                                      Facetious! You Peter, Nooooo…….

                                                      I am with you 100%

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