Looking at it from an engineering perspective, it's not difficult to make Methane from Grass as described, and most of the advantages claimed are valid. Large scale biological processes aren't unusual, and no-one should be surprised that Methane from Grass is possible.
Looking closer, the claimed benefits aren't as substantial as first implied. Green Gas aims to replace the proportion of Natural Gas burnt by residential consumers, and assumes those consumers will meet modern insulation standards.
The biggest problem is the amount of grass that could be harvested on a large scale in the UK. A large amount of non-agricultural land will have to be repurposed, which won't be easy, and there are many calls on land.
Bear in mind that Fossil fuels don't have a straightforward reliable low-cost future. God isn't making any more, and, over the next 30 years or so, we can expect costs to skyrocket as demand exceeds supply. (We are already experiencing what happens when energy is used by a unfriendly foreign power as a political lever.) At the same time the hehaviour of world weather provides ever more evidence that Climate Change is for real and that the consequences are serious. And not understanding or denying issues does not protect one from the resulting pain.
Like it or not there's an urgent need to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. I suggest a positive attitude be taken to all the possibilities. The pros and cons of the various options have to be carefully balanced by experts and taken up on their merits. Unqualified, ill-read folk who believe their opinion is as good as that of a specialist have no part to play in technical evaluations.
My feeling is Methane from Grass, Sewage and other biological processes is a useful adjunct to Nuclear, Wind, Solar, GeoThermal, Hydrodynamic and other sources. None of them on their own are the golden bullet, but together they take a big chunk out of the need to burn fossils.
I'd add the need to think big too! Expect a lot of changes. The goal is to move the nation out of danger, not to keep grandad in the style to which he has become accustomed!