You can get 3/4 hp and 1 hp rated known brand VFD boxes from UK based suppliers for under £100 delivered (just!). With manuals in readable English.
Look at Inverter Drive Supermarket for example **LINK** . As a very satisfied repeat customer I can testify that their reputation for good service and for taking time to sort out exactly what's best for you is well deserved. Their quick start guides are excellent and really take the mystique out of setting up.
From what I hear all the reputable UK based suppliers are a helpful bunch.
Objectively it hardly seems worth the risk of iffy quality and no service back up if it does go pop from direct import to save £45 or so. Especially as the manual is guaranteed to be incomprehensible.
No question that some of the Chinese suppliers are excellent but some still operate on the customer paid – passed QC business model knowing that the customer won't bother to spend the £20-£30 odd needed to send it back. At this range you have no way of telling good from bad.
Worth remembering that a blown inverter could take the motor down with it. Probably won't. Old school three phase induction motors are tough beasts but …
If you are spending £200 or so to save £1,000 on an inverter welder or similar then the risk is, possibly, more justified.