Is it true that our access to the digital archive going to disappear?


Is it true that our access to the digital archive going to disappear?

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Is it true that our access to the digital archive going to disappear?

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    Gone Away
      Posted by JasonB on 17/07/2013 12:41:14:

      Just bumping this back to the top so its not missed

      Just so that you know, it also had the effect of skipping those messages in my email notifications and, were it not for your message I would have missed them because of the bumping.

      [ General question about email notifications: why do I get all postings in a thread except my own? Yes, I already know what I've posted but sometimes it's useful to save these notifications for a local copy of the thread and my own postings form a relevant part (to me anyway). And it would seem to be simpler just to send everything rather than decide what is an exception. ]

      Katherine Scott 6
        Posted by CoalBurner on 17/07/2013 13:22:37:

        Hi Kate,

        I subscribe to both ME and MEW on a Direct Debit subscription, from one of your earlier posts, I would assume that this gives me access to the digital downloads however pocketmags are telling me I am a paper only subscriber and therefore do not have access to the digital downloads.

        Can you please clarify the situation for me.



        Hi Graeme,

        If you give our subscriptions bureau a call on 0844 543 8200 then they will upgrade you for free, you will just need to agree to pay the Print + Digital price when your next Direct Debit payment is due.

        Once they have upgraded you then you should be able to follow the instructions at and start downloading straightaway. Hope that helps!

        Best wishes,


        Katherine Scott 6
          Posted by Steambuff on 17/07/2013 13:56:55:


          I'm confused

          I already pay by annual direct debit …

          If I upgraded now, you are saying that I would pay £67 upon renewal (Next June) … but if I converted my direct debit to quartly upon renewal I would pay £15.50 per quarter (From next June)(This equates to £62 per annum)

          Have I understood correctly?

          How do I upgrade (and convert to quarterly DD)?


          P.S My details still show my ME sub expiry as 28/6/2013 but I have renewed.

          Hi Dave,

          Sorry, didn't mean to confuse! As a Direct Debit customer we can upgrade you now so that you get free access for the remainder of your current subscription. The £67 charge is the credit card charge, so you can chose when you upgrade to either pay £15.50 per quarter, or £62 per year. Either way the payment will not be taken until your next Direct Debit is due.

          If you would like to upgrade please give our subscriptions bureau a call on 0844 543 8200 and they will sort this out for you. You will then be able to download the digital editions following the instructions at

          Best wishes,


          Russell Eberhardt
            Posted by Katherine Scott 3 on 17/07/2013 09:04:06:

            Our historic subscriptions only granted subscribers access whilst their subscription was current and although we appreciate that you are disappointed that this element will no longer be classified as part of your current subscription, we feel that the offer to upgrade is a perfectly reasonable one; allowing you to have a digital back up of the magazine that you actually own.


            I am getting more and more confused. Perhaps it's my age?

            1. I am presently getting the paper magazines with access to the archive. Thus I already "have a digital back up of the magazine that you actually own". So what does the "upgrade" acctually offer me?

            2. I have no need of the Pocket Mags application and, even if I did, I understand that you will not be supporting Linux. I don't use Windows so I can't use it unless I buy a tablet thingy.

            3. Will the present digital archive which suits me fine continue to be available via the web browser:

            a) With my current subscription?

            b) With a digital only subscription?

            Thanks in anticipation for your clarification.


            Edited By Russell Eberhardt on 18/07/2013 09:02:53

            Diane Carney
              Posted by Ian Phillips on 17/07/2013 12:56:38:


              Only my curious mind.., but

              1/ If Kate is a moderator, why do her posts need approving?

              2/ Also why does it need bumping, Kate's reply does that to the thread anyway?

              3/ If moderator's posts are moderated presumably there is a hierarchical chain of levels of authority, the mind boggles….

              Ian P

              Hi Ian

              1/ It is likely that Kate created a new account solely for the purpose of helping this thread so therefore appeared – to the 'system' – as a new member. Kate is not a moderator on this forum.

              2/ Jason explained the 'bumps'

              3/ David Clark and I have full admin rights to the whole website and Jason, Johns S and Stewart Hart have forum moderator rights with additional access to approving first posts. All four of us cast a glance at the new member posts throughout the day and if there are any there for approving then the first to see it will approve (or not). To be fair I think Jason checks most frequently.
              Your mind boggles?? You want to try sitting here!!


              Katherine Scott 6
                Posted by Nicholas Farr on 17/07/2013 14:17:45:

                Hi Kate, one other query I have is, suppose I upgrade to Print + Digital and then at the next anual subsciption renewal I wish to go back to just print, or I decide to carry on with just digital, would I be classed as a new subsciber on would I just have to pay what I would if I carried on being just print or what I would have been paying if I were just digital?

                Hope you understand my query.

                Regards Nick.

                Hi Nick,

                A very good question! If you wish to transfer over to a different package at the point of renewal then we would charge the renewal price even though you may be a 'new customer' to that package. That is unless you decided to subscribe through a special promotion (such as the free gift offer featured in the magazine), if you did this then you would be charged whatever price is featured in the advert.

                I hope that answers your question!

                Best wishes,


                Katherine Scott 6
                  Posted by Russell Eberhardt on 18/07/2013 09:01:55:

                  Posted by Katherine Scott 3 on 17/07/2013 09:04:06:

                  Our historic subscriptions only granted subscribers access whilst their subscription was current and although we appreciate that you are disappointed that this element will no longer be classified as part of your current subscription, we feel that the offer to upgrade is a perfectly reasonable one; allowing you to have a digital back up of the magazine that you actually own.


                  I am getting more and more confused. Perhaps it's my age?

                  1. I am presently getting the paper magazines with access to the archive. Thus I already "have a digital back up of the magazine that you actually own". So what does the "upgrade" acctually offer me?

                  2. I have no need of the Pocket Mags application and, even if I did, I understand that you will not be supporting Linux. I don't use Windows so I can't use it unless I buy a tablet thingy.

                  3. Will the present digital archive which suits me fine continue to be available via the web browser:

                  a) With my current subscription?

                  b) With a digital only subscription?

                  Thanks in anticipation for your clarification.


                  Edited By Russell Eberhardt on 18/07/2013 09:02:53

                  Hi Russell,

                  Sorry to confuse you on this; hopefully I can pin it down for you in this post!

                  Answer to qu 1. The subscription that you currently have includes free access to the Online Archive. If you were to let your subscription lapse, you would no longer have access to these issues. So your current subscription does not allow you to keep those back issues – you are just 'renting' these whilst you have a current subscription. The new digital editions that we have allow you to actually download and keep new issues of the magazine (from the issue available at the point that you upgrade), so you would still be able to read these issues even if you let your subscription lapse in the future.

                  Answer to qu 2. I am afraid I'm not much of a whizz when it comes to technology, but I have been advised that a Linux friendly offline reader will be introduced in early 2014, so if you did want to change your account to one that features the Online Archive and the Digital downloads you would be best to wait for this software to be introduced. We will announce this when it becomes available.

                  Answer to qu 3.

                  A/ The Online Archive will continue to be available with your current subscription but the access will be switched off in July 2014 (at which point your current subscription will have expired).

                  B/ Yes the Online Archive is available with the Digital only subscription.

                  I hope that helps!

                  Best wishes,


                  Katherine Scott 6

                    Hi Everyone,

                    Just to let you all know, I'm going to be out of the office for the rest of today and tomorrow, so if there are any further queries I will try to get answers sorted early next week.

                    If you have a question regarding the new packages or upgrading then our subscriptions bureau should also be able to help you with this. Their number is 0844 543 8200 and they are open weekdays 8am – 9:30pm & Saturday 8am-4pm. Alternatively they can be emailed at We also have a frequently asked questions page which we are building at the moment – this may help to clarify the situation with some basic queries and technical questions. The address for this is

                    If you are having extensive technical problems or have a query about whether the digital downloads software will work with your device please email

                    Please note that if you are a subscriber that currently receives issues of the magazine in the post and has access to the Online Archive then you are not currently entitled to the new digital downloads as part of your subscriptions package – to get these digital downloads you would need to upgrade to the new Print + Digital Subscription. You can do this by calling the phone number above.

                    Best wishes,


                    Ian P


                      Your reply clarifies (nearly) everything, so thanks.

                      Kate shows as a moderator in her posts. I presume that there is then another level of moderators in addition to those you mentioned, namely a moderator not authorised to moderatewink

                      Ian P

                      Gone Away

                        Did I miss something?

                        When I subscribed to the Digital Only edition of ME last November, the price was £29.99 – the same price as for MEW.

                        Now I notice that the ME price is £47.95 (while the MEW price is still £29.99)

                        When did that happen. Is this part of the new offline reader stuff? Seems like a pretty massive increase and will probably price me out considering I'm much less interested in that mag.

                        Russell Eberhardt
                          Posted by Sid Herbage on 19/07/2013 01:12:00:

                          When I subscribed to the Digital Only edition of ME last November, the price was £29.99 – the same price as for MEW.

                          Now I notice that the ME price is £47.95 (while the MEW price is still £29.99)

                          When did that happen. Is this part of the new offline reader stuff? Seems like a pretty massive increase and will probably price me out considering I'm much less interested in that mag.

                          Now on the Pocket Mags site it's showing ME at £59.99 and MEW at £37.99. At that rate of inflation I'll have to get a mortgage if I want to renew next year!

                          With all the free stuff to browse on the internet I can't see that sort of pricing structure keeping the magazine alive. Sad when I consider that I have been reading it (on and off) for over 50 yearssad


                          Igor Pokorny 1

                            I consider this attempt is not to be fair too – I was not told when I did a subscription I will be cut from my archive numbers not using Windows… Getting a digital version of electronic magazine Circuit Cellar for years I am able to download every issue in PDF for a thirth price of printed magazine not counting postage…

                            Apparently I will quit my subscription next year. Sorry David.

                            With best regards


                            jason udall


                              ++++++futher to  an earlier post++++++

                              My catchup reading is leading me to feel  that I won't miss it and possibly not future editions { digital or print } either…and today I get invited to renew…(current subs expires 30  november !)…

                              I think the mag. might live to regret their handling of all this..

                              Esp. since most content is reader derived…..


                              Edited By jason udall on 17/08/2013 01:04:35

                              Edited By jason udall on 17/08/2013 01:05:11



                                I got a reminder to renew my MEW subcription and the offer only gives one option. That is paper only for and paper £52.95 + digital for £61.95. Pretty big raise on the price.

                                And when I go to the site and try to renew my subcription the SW only tells that they have no record of me. I did contact this comppany and this did not resove it. I tried again with the information they gave me and it does not work.

                                I'm pretty mad at this point. I used to like this mag, but I'm really, really thinkking do I really need this.


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