Agreed that I don't need to run everything at once, but, what you are forgetting is that Economy 7 switches on everything at the same time. Therefore the worst case would be an instantaneous load of about 80A. Fortunately, the washer is switched on when we remember, and we don't use our spare bedroom heater.
The immersion heater runs for, if I remember correctly, about 3/4 of an hour, so could be deferred with a delay switch of some description, but that costs money – see last paragraph.
Mileage. You have no idea about our mileage. Currently, we are averaging about 10K p.a which is actually less than the 13K p.a before Covid, however, a lot of those miles are anything up to 60m return. Plus, there are a few hills of varying steepness around here.
Solar power? Not unless I'm forced into it by government decree. And even then I would leave it as long as possible.
As already said, I'm on Economy 7, not Economy 10.
I accept that next door most likely will not be on the same phase, but what about the heating effect of taking large amounts of current albeit on two phases through the same cable. Stewart Smith 5 makes a good point about the cables.
Agreed that a 100A fuse will not fail at 100A. When I was studying these things, a goodly number of years ago, I, and others in the same course were told that the fuse should carry its rated current for ever, fail instantly at double its rated current, and fail at some indeterminate point between the two values. Now these were small fuses, 0.5A, 1.0A, 1.5A, that sort of order. Large 100A fuses may well be different, but that I do not know.
Final comment.
As I see it, from your post, you don’t really want to help yourself with your future energy needs?
As someone who is 3 months off 79, and has cancer, fitting solar panels, backup/storage batteries/fancy controllers or indeed anything else of that nature, frankly is not worthwhile for me as I will never get the money back and I'm simply not prepared to spend good money on something I will not get the benefit from – unless as is currently happening to my windows, I need to have some repairs done. I don't particularly care about the next owners of this property – what they do is up to them, they can spend as many thousands as they wish – I'm not. And before you say it, yes, the house won't fetch as much. And indeed there could be problems with the EPC. So be it.
Peter G. Shaw