I have read this posting/query from John Smith 47, and others of his that have preceded it, with some cynicism. I have a friend called Alan who frequently posts on a motor cycle forum that I inhabit. He usually asks a technical electrical/electronic/mechanical question to find a solution to his problem(s). His questions very often are based around some idea or design that he has created and which will make him very wealthy (it never does of course).
This usually results in a large number of answers giving potential solutions (so far so good) but he then replies explaining why that suggested solution will not work (does this sound familiar guys) and continues to bait the forum members. I guess by now you will understand my cynicism about this and other questions from Mr 47.
So I actually wondered if No 47 was my friend Allan at one stage, but I am sure now that it is not (well almost certain anyway).
However in order to be helpful, I did some searching and found that our dear friend Mr Google appears to identify many companies supplying spatulas with Teflon coated or moulded ends, which I guess would solve Number 47's problem. However I await his reply repudiating all that I have said and giving at least 47 reasons why the readily available spatulas are not fit for purpose.
Have a great day everybody.