Barrie –
I asked about scanners following your remark about photos.
That could have even helped my own project, as I have nothing but old archive photos and a few dimensions.
The big difficulty though, is a photo is usually at unknown angles to its subject, and from an unknown distance, so simply scanning it would give a distorted result. If the subject is long, such as railway locomotive or a building, the photo may also be affected by perspective.
I recall an article a long time ago, I think in ME, that described how to correct for these manually, provided you know a few key dimensions. For the locomotive this may be the coupled-wheel diameter (by its height, if all visible) and track gauge.
For my wagon, I used the wheel diameters and overall length and width, quoted in old trade reviews, but to make it more fun, E.S Hindley & Sons did not appear to worry too much about standardising theri products, and the reviews' illustrations were not necessarily of the wagon the reviewers test-drove!
I don't know if the software you describe can correct for both of these distortions.
As far as I am aware, TurboCAD doesn't read scanner files, which are images types at least from my scanner; but I think it will accept other drawing files. Its default saving is in its own " .tcw " format; but you can save its fully-rendered pictures as .bmp (and .jpg?) images.
Alibre's sales people don't seem to talk to their agents, but they do want you to buy their software!
A lady from its own American offices no less, asked me yesterday how I was progressing with the trial.
I replied I had failed; explained why, and that as the trial and its licence have expired I'd now have to buy the full version but it would be silly to spend £250 on something I can't learn! Then added I had already deleted Alibre from my computer ("Deleted" it, files and folders, as I could not remember how to "uninstall" it.)
I'm not expecting a reply of course, but I would not surprised if she tries to persuade me otherwise, since she is paid to sell it.