Oh typical!!!
I posted the above, and it made Gary's post appear!
Anyway, Gary –
You had the benefit of proper training and professional experience. My training, at work, was only an introduction to using MS' ordinary Office programmes, though including the nightmare of Access.
I think the edition of TC you used was earlier than mine. The User's Guide with TC 19 Deluxe is very haphazard, and the quality of instructions with each tool very variable from sufficient to practically non-existent. Sometimes it even gives a heading above a different topic.
Making a printed index certainly helped because a pdf document can be searched only by page-number. I was surprised though that I could make that index, as I'd always thought pdf files are locked images. (I know Adobe offers a converter but only by costly rental.)
I find that Model Space / Paper Space business very confusing, worsened by the " Viewport " routine and TC's printer-settings menus. They differ in the paper sizes they offer, and at least one lacks ISO A sizes.
Dimensions: I think you can set the dimensioning in TC so changing the entity changes the annotation automatically; but I don't know how. Not vice-versa though. The dimension system is very confusing, but at least I can alter dimensions' labels to my intended values!
TurboCAD uses Snaps extensively, but you often have to turn them off for tools you assume would need them.
TC's equivalent to Fusion's " components " seems to be Boolean Adding / Subtracting. TC offers no animation.
If my edition of TC has that " Drafting Pallet ", it might be among the many tools I have not used.
It odes not surprise me Fusion's 2D mode is weak, because AutoDESK wants you to use its industrial-grade orthographic AutoCAD. No " layers "? I thought they are a fundamental CAD drawing principle, so does it hide the concept in those other methods?
You say you could not change that revolved mug lid in TurboCAD. For a quick test, I drew a simple, chamfered quadrilateral like the section of a lathe dovetail, turned it into a polyline; then Revolved it to a cylinder with a countersunk end. Now the real test: and yes, I changed its overall length and diameter. I doubt it's possible to change its shape though.