Don't wish to flood the discussion with more of my coolant gumpf – just some photos of a air/drip feed thingy I made up – does need power ( mains) and an air supply – airbrush style compressor or old sealed fridge compressor is fine. Need around 1 to 3 psi.

No air, just fluid

Air and fluid about 1 drop every 2 sec

1 drop sec

3 drops sec

Their is no mist – the air is low pressure, enough to move swarf out of the machining cavity, but not to atomise the fliud.
The fluid is transferred in definite droplets.
The outlet nozzle – the 4 outer 'holes' are air exit, the center a tube fed coolant outlet.

Done it again – filled the page with photos…
I find the device works very well, esp on the mill where re-machined swarf is always a pain. It can be set very finely so that almost trace amounts of fluid provide a touch of lubrication and the air cools and move stuff out the way.
Fluid pressure and air volumes are adjusted using the big knobs on the pressure regulator. Fluid volume is adjusted on the knob ( knob not fitted in picture) between the pressure dials – the regulator is a needle valve regulator stolen from a $10.00 hand held CADAC gas torch.
An electrically activated valve shut off fluid flow and is controlled by a magnetic field sensor that just clamps over the lathe/mill's supply lead. With the motor off, the field is low and the fluid flow is turned off.
Complicated, I know, like everything I do…But is works nicely, easy to set up, moves easily between my machines ans so no more argument about to cool or not..