iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!


iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!

Home Forums Hints And Tips for model engineers iPad in the workshop, something to bear in mind!

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    Ian P
      Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 19:30:52:

      Sorry you have had problems, I started using Apple in 1995 and have never looked back.
      I use imacs, ipod s, I phone and an ipad, paid for with my hard earned cash.
      I can honestly say that I would not go back Windoze again.
      People know I like computers and I am often asked for my advice on PC problems, never on Mac ones.
      I did not start this line of correspondence, but it doe’s make me mad when people who have not used Mac’s denigrate them.
      But what feeling would you get when a Mac user tell you of their problems? they do have problems too!
      What I have found (ie in my experience) is that nearly all Apple users are very loyal and do not like any critisism of their system. I do know lots of people that use Macs and are happy with them, I also know two people that have bought their own Macs because the programme they need for their work only runs on a Mac (Final Cut Pro, and that is not bug free anyway). The same two people own and use PCs as well because they are better for some jobs.
        I use both Mac and Windows and have done since the IBM XT machines and Apple PET. Both have advantages but at least there are no viruses with Mac OS, at least I’ve not come across one yet
        Hi Andy,
        at 65 I am quite happy with ‘all this technology’ that was developed 30+ years ago by my generation. At 51 you are one of the youngsters on the IT adverts on TV who (supposedly) can teach us oldsters how to do stuff, even though we developed it. Learning to use a CAD program is much easier than learning to use drawing instruments or even a lathe. Just takes a bit of perseverance and thought.
        Happy Yuletide,
          If you do not like radio 4 extra which I confess doese repeat itself during the day Why not try Jaz FM on your radio in the workshop and get on with building and not play with what I regard as toys.
          And please do not throw them out of the pram when replying.
          A merry Christmas to everyone and hope Santa is good to you.
            Hi Bob,
            I usually prefer Radio Three as an alternative, I listened to those old progs on 4xtra many years ago and am not so nostalgic as to think that they were any better than modern offerings, but that’s just a question of taste.
            I’m not sure what the reference to ‘toys’ is all about. If you think that a calculator, data tables, digital level and clinometer (useful for setting work at an angle on the old mill) , plus the ability to listen to MY choice of music when I want it (or even streamed radio4 Xtra or Jazz FM as the iPod Touch will connect to my wi-fi and stream live radio) are toys than that is your view. It takes no more than your radio to tune my iPod and is not affected by workshop electrics.
            Perhaps you should get on with making stuff instead of playing with your radio, calculator, Zeus Data Tables, Machinery’s Handbook, precision level etc?
            By the way, my music on my iPod includes very many jazz tracks from any number of performers both older and more recent as well as much Baroque and Classical which I find helps concentration when working. Talk radio tends to distract me too much.
            Best regards and wishes for a happy and peaceful Yuletide,
            Ian Hewson

              Update on clinometer, I have now downloaded it to my iphone4, cost 69p but seems fine.

              Sub Mandrel
                I have to be very careful here.In this house are four iphones and two ipads and I’m not allowed near any of them
                  I have an old Dell laptop installed in my workshop and connected to the house wireless internet. Its dead handy for looking up all sorts of stuff. And asking questions right then and there haha.
                  Its about 6 years old and wasn’t an expensive one then. Runs Windows XP, a rock solid platform they should never have messed with.
                  I have a much newer HP top end laptop for work thats going nowhere near the workshop lol
                  Steve Garnett
                    Posted by Wolfie on 28/12/2011 09:35:33:
                    Runs Windows XP, a rock solid platform they should never have messed with.
                    Absolutely. W98 was pretty good too, at the end. But there appear to be a number of problems inherent to W7 that have put me off it completely so far – including a BSOD when simply updating a driver – not good.
                    Don’t like Macs – not because of anything inherent (although I’m not particularly a fan of the Disney-style OS) but because I don’t like being held to ransom by a single manufacturer over hardware, which is pretty expensive for what it is.
                    John Stevenson 1
                      Posted by Ian Hewson on 20/12/2011 09:32:10:
                      Update on clinometer, I have now downloaded it to my iphone4, cost 69p but seems fine.
                      Ian have you blued and scraped the edges of your Iphone to ensure you have a flat surface ?
                      John S.
                      Off into the workshop for a quiet 3 days, no phones switched on and 4 talking books on my new to me this Christmas Ipod Nano mounted on a watch strap.
                      It also doubles up as a watch !!
                        While we’re on an offish topic subject I have a contribution about a “Ten year rule” which aspiring model engineers may find reassuring.
                        The original article is bigger.
                        Teach yourself programming in 10 years. By Perter Norvig
                        Walk into any bookstore, and you’ll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 7 Days alongside endless variations offering to teach Visual Basic, Windows, the Internet, and so on in a few days or hours. I did the following power search at Amazon.com:

                             pubdate: after 1992 and title: days and
                        (title: learn or title: teach yourself)

                        and got back 248 hits. The first 78 were computer books (number 79 was Learn Bengali in 30 days). I replaced “days” with “hours” and got remarkably similar results: 253 more books, with 77 computer books followed by Teach Yourself Grammar and Style in 24 Hours at number 78. Out of the top 200 total, 96% were computer books.

                        The conclusion is that either people are in a big rush to learn about computers, or that computers are somehow fabulously easier to learn than anything else. There are no books on how to learn Beethoven, or Quantum Physics, or even Dog Grooming in a few days. Felleisen et al. give a nod to this trend in their book How to Design Programs, when they say “Bad programming is easy. Idiots can learn it in 21 days, even if they are dummies…..

                        ………Researchers (Bloom
                        (1985), Bryan & Harter (1899), Hayes
                        (1989), Simmon & Chase (1973)) have shown it
                        takes about ten years to develop expertise in any of a wide variety of
                        areas, including chess playing, music composition, telegraph
                        operation, painting, piano playing, swimming, tennis, and research in
                        neuropsychology and topology. The key is deliberative
                        practice: not just doing it again and again, but challenging yourself
                        with a task that is just beyond your current ability, trying it,
                        analyzing your performance while and after doing it, and correcting
                        any mistakes. Then repeat. And repeat again. There appear to be no
                        real shortcuts: Even Mozart, who was a musical prodigy at age 4, took 13 more years before he began to produce world-class music.

                          Posted by Ian Hewson on 19/12/2011 16:54:14:

                          Hi Terry
                          Thanks for the tip of the free level, just downloaded it.
                          Only for ipad at the moment though, says itouch and iphone app being worked on at present.
                          Thought I had got on to another “”we hate Apple site, although we have never used one”
                          never mind though, I use and love Apple, gave up Windoze years ago.
                          Hi Ian and Norman,
                          There is also a very good app called iSetSquare which does exactly what it’s name implies it is a fascinating and useful app and it enables the iPod, iPad etc to be used as a set square without a tee square for quick drawings and layouts as well as setting up not too critical work on the mill table etc. It again is accurate to 0.1º good enough for most of my purposes. Mind you it’s not free, it costs 69pence from the Apple store.
                          Ian , I have used the clinometer on the iPod Touch for a little whiile now and it should be available and my wife has a copy on her iPhone 4 (and on previous versions as well). Perhaps it’s the upgrade that they are working on.
                          Best regards and best wishes of the season,
                            Posted by blowlamp on 19/12/2011 17:26:44:

                            No cost updates and bug fixes for the life of the product as well, so for around about £70 for the operating system, it seems like a pretty good deal to me.
                            What can Apple give me that is better?

                            Hi Martin,
                            I have used Microsoft DOS and Windows almost since the inception in the late 80s, I have used the Apple PET and Macintosh computers for about the same length of time. I still use both systems, a recent Desktop (home built) using windows XP, a Macbook as a portable and an old XP machine in my workshop. They all have their advantages but if I had to choose, it would be the Mac every time.
                            You ask what it can give that is better – security (no viruses or Malware) and speed are a couple of advantages. The GUI used to be better on Macs but Windows have almost caught up, and Macs are always the choice of the graphic designer for their speed and clarity of resolution. The wireless connection is faster and more reliable than on Windows Laptops, and they are also more pleasing to use.
                            As for the cost of Windows, £70 will only get you the basic system as an OEM software not intended for the consumer – without all the desirable bells an whistles – and if you get the full system it is much more expensive. You may get downloads and fixes for free, but Macs don’t need them as the software is properly developed before being foisted on to the market unlike Microsoft. Does anyone now remember Millennium Edition or even Vista, what expensive travesties they were.
                            As for the ‘Smartphone’ and Android systems that others go on about, I have a perfectly good mobile phone. I bought a ‘Pay Upfront For Life’ contract (with phone) from O2 in 2000 for £200, I get plenty of free minutes (for my usage) and texts and my average monthly bill for the last 11 years has been around 99pence. Now that’s what I call a ‘smart’ phone.
                            Best regards
                              Greetings Terry.
                              I bought a Windows 7 Family Pack for three computers when it was first released and I’m fairly sure that it was less than the £70 per system that I first mentioned. The pack contains two discs with 32 or 64 bit operating system on each, so I can reinstall if I need to (I haven’t thus far).
                              My understanding of Apple computers and viruses is that they aren’t immune from attack, they just aren’t targetted in the way as PC’s are. A bit like how football has its hooligan element, but crown green bowls doesn’t, yet.
                              I tried an Apple in John Lewis whilst shopping over Christmas and didn’t see any advantage to what I already have with Windows 7. The graphics are certainly more animated, but it’s a long while since the opening or closing of a file to a fanfare of effects lost its ability to keep me entertained, so if that’s the appeal, I can do without. I also didn’t find the buttonless mouse to be very tactile.
                              My better half was given a new Windows 7 laptop to use for work at home and it connects without delay to our Wi-Fi network and stays connected too. I enjoy a similar experience with the various systems we have around here as well.
                              Most importantly of all is that only one piece of software that I use daily is available on the Apple platform, which means it’s a PC or nothing for me.
                              All the best.
                                I’m happy with my 64-bit Win7 machine and agree with much of what you say. All my kids though are artists, graphic designers or animators. They keep on at Dad to change to the Apple! Now I concede that the hardware design is superb but the cost, not just of the hardware but also of the need to upgrade software ( don’t mention bootcamp please!), makes this out of the question. What I was craving however was some way to access the internet quickly without coming into my study for my desktop.
                                I was thus interested in the iPad. Whilst on a trip to our local city we passed the Apple store and I said to my wife “We could just have a look”……… We were quickly seduced by the speed of access and convenience of the iPad as demonstrated by a very helpful and attractive young lady! My wife was impressed and, as you may imagine, all was quickly lost so, without any useless argument, I just got out my plastic friend ! Since then I’ve been trying to prise the thing away from her so that I can carry out an in depth technical evaluation (or even just play a game of “Words with Friends” – i.e Scrabble with the Kids/ Grandbrats)
                                ………………………………I suppose the answer would be 2 iPads?

                                Edited By NJH on 28/12/2011 16:50:46

                                John Stevenson 1
                                  A lot of the Apple / Windows arguments are purely personal.
                                  However when you have to deal with others / customers who are on a certain program then the choice is taken off you.
                                  I can’t call Apple as I have never looked at it because there are no mainstream CAD / CAM programs that run on it – end of story.
                                  Whether I like it or not Windows works for me because it’s the ONLY operating system I can use for the programs I have to use.
                                  John S.

                                    Terry, I flew down to Melbourne for Xmas, my grandson/daughter have I/pod and I/pad, the boy is doing vet science but of the ten boys and girls that were there, 6 were doing engineering degrees, so all up there were at least 20 down loads of the level app, They all thank you for a free Xmas present,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, I only have windows XP, although it seems to work,and is supposed to be 64 bit, ???? My daughter loaned me her I/pad, next thing is how to link the I/pad to my computer, and down load good stuff, (I have a different ISP, and dont know her ISP).

                                    Thanks, and have a happy and fruitful new year.

                                    John Holloway

                                    Ian P
                                      Posted by jomac on 29/12/2011 12:08:17:

                                      Terry, I flew down to Melbourne for Xmas, my grandson/daughter have I/pod and I/pad, the boy is doing vet science but of the ten boys and girls that were there, 6 were doing engineering degrees, so all up there were at least 20 down loads of the level app, They all thank you for a free Xmas present,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, I only have windows XP, although it seems to work,and is supposed to be 64 bit, ???? My daughter loaned me her I/pad, next thing is how to link the I/pad to my computer, and down load good stuff, (I have a different ISP, and dont know her ISP).

                                      Thanks, and have a happy and fruitful new year.

                                      John Holloway

                                      I am no iPad expert but my advice would be DO NOT connect it to a computer unless it is the same computer that it has been previously connected to..
                                      To communicate with an iPad the computer needs to have iTunes installed. If you connect an iPad that has previously been syncronised with a different computer you will get lots of warning messages about the iPad data being overwritten and it may not actually let you do anything useful anyway.
                                      In any event I think you will be disappointed with what you can and cannot download onto an iPad, its much more limited than a laptop.
                                      Ian Phillips

                                        Hi Ian P, I think you are right, I down loaded I tunes, and cause my XP is supposed to be 64 bit, it only works as a read only. Anyway I have to return the I/pad next Febuary, so I think I will stick to the desk computer, It has a bigger screen and more memory, so its easier to play games on, (only if the sound is off, SWMBO is a bit fussy about noisy motor bikes) chess is quiet, except when I lose a game.

                                        Have a good new year.

                                        John Holloway

                                        PS its late Im’e going to bed

                                        John Stevenson 1
                                          I hate ITunes and flatly refuse to use it, too intrusive and bloatware.
                                          Do a search for Copy Trans Manager, that part is free and you can move files and edit at ease.
                                          Works like ITunes should.
                                          John S.
                                          Sub Mandrel
                                            iTunes is all about copyright control and making money for Apple.
                                            Unfortunately we do need some mechanism to make sure musicians etc. get rewarded for their work. The talentless celebs who make millions can afford to lose a few ripped copies, but it’s hard for the artists with a smaller following to make ends meet.
                                            (Whose lifetime earnings from music probably struggle into low three figures…)
                                            Ian P
                                              Posted by John Stevenson on 29/12/2011 13:17:12:

                                              I hate ITunes and flatly refuse to use it, too intrusive and bloatware.
                                              Do a search for Copy Trans Manager, that part is free and you can move files and edit at ease.
                                              Works like ITunes should.
                                              John S.
                                              I totally agree with your opinion of iTunes and have just looked at the details of programme you recommended but find its website confusing. There seem to be several versions and whilst its ‘free to download’ I am not sure exactly what is needed to replace iTunes.
                                              It appears to perform the essential backup functions so that is fine, I do not have music files but want to be able to load and organise photos and small phone video files made on an Android phone, will it do that?
                                              Ian Phillips
                                              John Stevenson 1
                                                No idea, I only have talking books on mine and being an early IPod I don’t think it will do video.
                                                I may be able to get one off the grandkids to try but it won’t be for a couple of weeks.
                                                As regards the download it downloads and installs about 6 small programs which it displays as a menu when it starts.
                                                Only the trans copy manager is free, all the rest cost a few pounds but the free one is the program to use.
                                                I just find the file [ book ] I want on my hard drive and drag it onto the program window for it to install it.
                                                Once everything is installed you update [ sync in ITunes language ] and eject the device.
                                                John S.
                                                Sub Mandrel
                                                  If you have Vista or Windows 7, you may find that the media library and synch function will do everything you want. Similarly the photo gallery is far superior to the sort of stuff you had to pay for years ago.
                                                  Some things do get better on PCs!
                                                  John Stevenson 1
                                                    Just tried looking at my Nano in windows.
                                                    It can see it but you can’t do anything with it, I have 6 books on at presents and none show up.
                                                    It needs ITunes or Copy Trans manage to be able to talk to it, there are probably others as well.
                                                    John S.
                                                    Ian S C
                                                      My nephew has the level on his phone, to check levels of the floors, and plumb the walls around the house (earthquake damage in Christchurch). Ian S C don’t think he needs it for work, hes a Cheff.
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