Posted by blowlamp on 19/12/2011 17:26:44:
No cost updates and bug fixes for the life of the product as well, so for around about £70 for the operating system, it seems like a pretty good deal to me.
What can Apple give me that is better?
Hi Martin,
I have used Microsoft DOS and Windows almost since the inception in the late 80s, I have used the Apple PET and Macintosh computers for about the same length of time. I still use both systems, a recent Desktop (home built) using windows XP, a Macbook as a portable and an old XP machine in my workshop. They all have their advantages but if I had to choose, it would be the Mac every time.
You ask what it can give that is better – security (no viruses or Malware) and speed are a couple of advantages. The GUI used to be better on Macs but Windows have almost caught up, and Macs are always the choice of the graphic designer for their speed and clarity of resolution. The wireless connection is faster and more reliable than on Windows Laptops, and they are also more pleasing to use.
As for the cost of Windows, £70 will only get you the basic system as an OEM software not intended for the consumer – without all the desirable bells an whistles – and if you get the full system it is much more expensive. You may get downloads and fixes for free, but Macs don’t need them as the software is properly developed before being foisted on to the market unlike Microsoft. Does anyone now remember Millennium Edition or even Vista, what expensive travesties they were.
As for the ‘Smartphone’ and Android systems that others go on about, I have a perfectly good mobile phone. I bought a ‘Pay Upfront For Life’ contract (with phone) from O2 in 2000 for £200, I get plenty of free minutes (for my usage) and texts and my average monthly bill for the last 11 years has been around 99pence. Now that’s what I call a ‘smart’ phone.
Best regards