Posted by David P on 19/05/2023 16:17:33:
My simplified explanation is as follows, first change the motor to Delta, I have taken the 3 wires off terminal N and checked for a circuit (continuity) between A, B and C and the wires from N being Brown, Black and White, so I presume I connect the Brown, Black and White to the A, B and C terminals where there is continuity and that will set the motor in Delta mode 240 volt 3 phase.
It is possible to misinterpret your description above, so you might have to be more clear in the way you describe the connections.
In particular, you need to list clearly the relationship between the six wires.
I _think_ you are saying: red (A) and brown are connected; yellow (B) and black are connected; blue (C) and white are connected. However, my (or anyone else's) thinking is a particularly bad way to proceed. Certainty and clarity is required.
If this is the case, and you connect brown to terminal A (red), as you appear to be saying above, you are just connecting the two ends of the same coil together. No harm will come by doing so, but the motor will not work.
You have the delta triangle on the data plate. Each side of the triangle is one of the three coils. Each vertex of the triangle can be labelled sequentially A, B, C. So the 'start' of the first coil goes to 'A'. The 'end' of the first coil goes to 'B'. The start of the second coil goes to 'B'. The end of the second coil goes to 'C'. The start of the third coil goes to 'C'. The end of the third coil goes to 'A'. One each of the incoming phases goes to A, B, C.