Hi to all.
Logging in from Ireland, somewhere in the middle.
Been lurking for a while but feel I need to get this Introduction complete before I can rightfully enter the question asking phase.
Have recently escaped the career mill & as part of that have treated myself to a Myford ML7 as the centrepiece for my much anticipated "Engineering Works". This was an instrument I fell in love with in my first career – building experimental setups in in support of Scientific research. I shifted over to computers in the 80's and sort of drifted away from the 'mechanical' aspects of experimental implementations and more towards the craft of digital measurement and control. Later still I drifted into management but hopefully with copious medication, therapy and alcohol the memory of this will fade with time.
In any case I am now augmenting the 'Industrial Sector' to accommodate the above mentioned 'Engineering Works'. Here I hope to do some state of the art gadeteering with no particular end in mind. I am at that phase where collecting the various bits and bobs for the Myford is its own obsession so I expect any immediate posts to have something to do with that. But who can say there are so many interesting topics here, reams of stuff I had not considered, what to do!!!
Frank C.