Duncan, Michael –
Perhaps the question would be the cost of not using private networks; but as we saw with the Post office ‘Horizon’ scandal and could see with a recent NHS decision, the country seems happy to give major, MS and Internet-based so fundamentally insecure, systems to any old foreign company with no thought of quality, cost, supplier’s responsibility or security.
Private networks can work, or at least company systems using the Internet, can be protected very heavily, but I suspect as usual, sales-ticket cost rather than real value rules.
Refusing to use “standard” (monopolist) Microsoft software except for fenced-off areas necessary for public access, may go a long way to helping keep the system secure. That MS Windows is such a world-wide monopoly must surely make life easy for the attackers, whether criminals or governments. They understand how it works and how to dig into it.
Bar all international Internet traffic except where absolutely necessary to the organisation, and that via very strong filters that identify and display the source. Block any from an unexpected source address or country.
Using written alternatives and reserves to e-posts and records, and voice telephone calls, where immediacy is not necessary (so usually, with good planning) rather than the Internet.
The utilities and NHS etc should have reserve systems enabling continuing services even if attacked.
I think though it really does need the co-operation of the Internet services, in tracing the origins of all traffic. For example, in cases of serious social-media misbehaviour like bullying, they so often bleat “We have taken down the posts”. Not enough. Delete the account and block the sending address – permanently.
Rob –
Actually, lemmings do not commit mass suicide at all, and the dodo was wiped out by hunters! So perhaps not good metaphors. Nor is “Luddite”.
The Luddites deliberately destroyed machines they thought would make them redundant. Refusing to use Facebook and Amazon, and to buy a “smart”-‘speaker and “smart”-‘phone, makes we of that mind careful, but not Luddites.
So I don’t know what animal or historical metaphor would be the nearest to the OP’s “lemmings”.
Ants? The Worker bees in a hive? Possibly: mindlessly all following suit in huge numbers, doing the same things, to suit the entirety (the IT giants here) rather than ourselves. Except that the insects are supporting their societies for the common good, indeed survival – since when have Facebook, Amazon and the like done that?
Cats? The domestic moggy is highly individual and often “thinks” in strange ways, but is by no means slavish to those who provide the services it wants. Except that the few huge IT companies use us, to serve them; not they serving us except as a shallow reward for being their commercial assets.
John –
My portable telephone is 3G-rated too, a very basic one. Voice telephony is its main purpose, not the auxiliary it was on an LG2017 ‘phone – my first “smart” ‘phone. Frustrated and disillusioned by that inordinately difficult, clumsy, heavy, gimmick-filled contraption with no Operating Manual, I sold it only a few months later.
Yes, we may be forced to buy something “smarter”. I hope still on PAYG not a rip-off contract; but we can still limit what we use it for, when, where and how much; to the extent that will be allowed by commerce. For a simple example, find and print your rail or bus journey time-tables prior to journey, at home; and unless you might need it while away, leave the ‘phone off and at home. Remove all surplus software you can, and don’t load any and all so-called “apps” for the Hell of it.
Already there seems a flourishing trade in foil-lined ‘phone and lap-top wallets to hamper its location-tracking, but also pandering to daft conspiracy-fantasy fears of “radiation” and vaccines! Though such protection will also block incoming calls (as you do often want, of course), and the system needs know where it is when you make a call.