Marc C ,
2 to 3 tenths will come off in 30 seconds to two minutes continuous working if everything set up correctly .
Process makes a nice hissing sound when working properly – forgot to mention incidentally use plenty of very thin oil as well .
Nobody ever believes me but there is no need to make the lap adjustable when taking out very small amounts from a bore .
The matter of that housing and holding flange requires serious consideration .
Certainly flat on flat but other things to get right as well . Flange has to sit flat on both bearing shell and housing to avoid distrortion stress and fretting .
This means that housing has to be finished and microlapped to be same length as bearing shell less a chosen very small amount for a nip .
Finish on mating surface of flange needs to be very fine and with a lay that is different to that on both housing and bearing .
If flange is to be bolted in place then has to be adquate thickness so as not to distort under bolting down loads .
For a high efficiency minimum weight design use variable thickness – for instance pads at the bolting positions and thinner section elsewhere – taking care of course to have the pad edges with radiused fillets blending back into the parent metal or preferably with complete flowline profiles .
Medium carbon steel would do at a pinch for flange – hardened to same level as bearing shell and stress relieved .
Lot’s more to consider but that’ll do for now .
Smiley’s not working pro tem – maybe add later .
Regards ,
Michael Williams .
Edited By MICHAEL WILLIAMS on 26/03/2014 10:26:16