Interface PCB for the ELS project


Interface PCB for the ELS project

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  • #437193

      PM’d you regarding component kit.



      Phil Grant
        Posted by Mark Rand on 13/11/2019 21:43:03:

        Deleted. crying

        Edited By Mark Rand on 13/11/2019 22:07:35

        ?? What was the post?


          Hi phil

          Thanks , goods received. Looks good

          Now I need to get the rest of the stuff. Trying to work out what to do with the buttons in the final case without being able to 3D print it. Clough42 has so much kit and availability of skill and knowledge  indicated from  viewing his videos .

          I have been thinking about turning top hat bushes from plastic to fit from inside then they won’t pop out, then using some form of foam or soft rubber to provide the spring back, but all that is a long way off!  My case will be bigger to house the digital inputs to the vdf 

          Im just wondering what others are planning to do , or have done.

          How are people mounting the encoder and stepper on a myford?


          Edited By Zan on 18/11/2019 19:30:55

          Phil Grant
            Posted by Zan on 18/11/2019 19:27:21:

            Hi phil

            Thanks , goods received. Looks good

            Edited By Zan on 18/11/2019 19:30:55

            Glad they arrived OK.

            Little Top hats to sit on the buttons are a good idea, the natural spring back of the switch will be enough, I don't think you'll need any springs or foam.


            Phil Grant

              There are now nineteen PCBs out there for the ELS project, not counting the ones that Clough42 sold! are there any finished or partially completed builds yet?

              Is it worth setting up a thread to show peoples implementations? I can start with how far I've got, I'm not finished by a long chalk but I'm happy to post pictures and share the designs I've done for mounting the bits to a mini Warco hobby lathe.

              What do you think?



                Sounds good Phil do it!

                Currently had an idea for the buttons, by finding a cheap calculator with round buttons n taking it apart It will need you to have the led&key board or a template with you when purchasing to check on the spacing

                already looked at an old bank card pin sentry it looks good all the keys are mounted on a single rubber pad which will be cut to size when Iv got the other bits!


                  Hello Phil,

                  I agree with Zan. Please do so.

                  Dias Costa

                  Roger Clark

                    That's a very good idea Phil, it would be good to have somewhere where we can bounce ideas and processes based on the kind of kit we possess.

                    For me personally I'm going to modify my SP 2102 mini lathe but can't work out what Stepper/Servo motor I would need on this little lathe. I'm thinking one on the lines of a Nema 23 of 2 newtons of power would be more than sufficient.

                    The buttons idea is a good one, I have some redundant remotes that I can pillage, hmm must look at the buttons on the Sky remotes, some nice arrow ones on there!

                    Douglas Johnston

                      Having taken a board from Phil and studied all the you-tube videos, I have decided it is going to be too much for me so won't be going any further with this project. As a result if anybody still needs a board, I have one looking for a good home. The board is free to anybody who wants it, just send me a pm with your address. The first person to respond gets it.



                        Hi Doug,

                        I am interested in the PCB. PM sent.


                        Douglas Johnston

                          Anthony is the lucky first responder so the board has a new owner. Good luck to all the brave people who are taking this project on, please let us know how you are getting on.



                            Hello Phil, good evening.

                            Components arrived safely in yesterday’s Post.
                            Thank you Phil.

                            Best regards
                            Dias Costa

                            Phil Grant
                              Posted by dcosta on 23/11/2019 23:10:32:

                              Hello Phil, good evening.

                              Components arrived safely in yesterday’s Post.
                              Thank you Phil.

                              Best regards
                              Dias Costa

                              Good News!

                              Thanks for letting me know.

                              Best Regards,


                                Posted by Douglas Johnston on 20/11/2019 18:08:26:

                                Anthony is the lucky first responder so the board has a new owner. Good luck to all the brave people who are taking this project on, please let us know how you are getting on.


                                PCB arrived safely yesterday, now to source the components – most are somewhere in the parts bin!

                                Thanks for the kind offer of the PCB, Doug. Much appreciated.



                                  Hi Phil, component kit arrived safely,

                                  many thanks


                                  Phil Grant
                                    Posted by Gray on 24/11/2019 08:34:20:

                                    Hi Phil, component kit arrived safely,

                                    many thanks


                                    Great, good luck putting it together, any problems with missing parts etc. let me know.


                                    Douglas Johnston

                                      While I chickened out from going ahead with the electronic leadscrew project, I have been using a stepper motor drive on the leadscrew for providing the feed on my lathe for a number of years. This is an excellent half way house for those like me who may have baulked at the complexity of going the whole hog.

                                      With a relatively simple set up you can have variable feed rate without any change gears and I have also included a feature that has proved to be invaluable. This feature is an automatic stop which stops the leadscrew instantly when a microswitch is activated by a variable position control rod fixed to the carriage. This makes things like boring a blind hole a doddle. The microswitch is simply connected to the inhibit input on the stepper driver.

                                      Clearly this is not as good as the ability to screwcut but has proved to be extremely useful in practice.


                                      ps. Glad to hear the pcb arrived safely Anthony.

                                      Roger Clark

                                        Hi all,

                                        I've set up a new thread Electronic Lead Screw Project for the builds and for any help/ advice needed on the way.


                                        Phil Grant


                                          I still have a few people who asked for a PCB and are on the list for the last batch but haven't responded to the PM I've sent, maybe because they didn't tick the box to receive notifications of PMs?

                                          If you've requested a PCB and I said you were on the list for the third batch but haven't heard from me then please check your inbox.



                                          Roy Vaughn

                                            Hi Phil

                                            Can you confirm the order of the screw terminals on the PCB please? I imagine they are the same as Clough42's but I'd like to make sure, I've blown up too much kit this past year getting power connections wrong!

                                            Cheers, Roy

                                            Phil Grant


                                              Here you go

                                              screw terminal connections.jpg

                                              Roy Vaughn

                                                Hi Phil

                                                Thanks for confirming the pinout, I see the markings on the board now but I wanted to be sure. Good news that it's all working on the bench. Now for the bigger job of engineering the installation. I wonder if anyone has finished their ELS yet and how they got on?

                                                Cheers, Roy

                                                Jim Arnott

                                                  HI Phil , have I totally missed the boat or is there still availability of PCB and components ?



                                                  Phil Grant

                                                    Hi Jim,

                                                    I think I have some PCBs left but not sure I have all the components, I'll have a look and let you know.


                                                    Phil Grant

                                                      I know this is an old post now but I have had some more PCBs made as I was aked for one.

                                                      I have 9 left if anyone still wants one

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