Sitting in my easy chair yesterday I heard a clatter in the kitchen. I went to see what had fallen off the drying rack, and instead found a tidal wave of oil advancing across the worktop towards me.
We buy olive oil in large cans and I decant it into a square glass bottle. Last time I did this, I overfilled the bottle and screwed the lid on leaving no ullage, then put it back in its accustomed place next to the combination microwave oven.
My wife was using the conventional oven setting to cook a simnel cake for Easter (yes, I'm a lucky blighter) and the side of the oven got hotter than it usually does though still not above hand-hot. The expansion due to the heat was enough to burst the bottle, and by golly, did it burst!
Naturally the oil had spread quickly and soaked into everything it could reach. So I had the joy of cleaning up a litre of olive oil laced with glass, from big shards to tiny splinters.
I shan't make that mistake again.