In my book, insurance trades on fear. The basis is the statistical risk odds.
Keep getting pleas from the water board, to insure the plumbing. My last payout to a plumber was in 1964, so £5/month would have been a nice earner for someone. The blowlamp, pipe cutter, and pipe nut spanner were much cheaper, and immediately available!
Cars were insured with Direct Line, for years, each year renewal increase by 22 -23%. Phone up, supervisor says "Two cars, loyal customer, £2 less than last year". Until one year, they did not want to know; so did not get the business. Now they keep pleading for me to return! No wonder, last claim was 1981.
Long pockets, short arms at payout time, is my perception of insurers.
They probably compete for bottom place in the popularity stakes with Parking Wardens