A most excellent chart but one that definitely wants printing out, preferably on A3 paper, to follow easily.
Objectively way better than the one I use.
Really needs a bit of back up from a comprehensible reference to ISO material classifications and one of the nice diagrams showing what each shape is used for.
That said I think its likely to be TMI (Too Much Information) for a neophyte who doesn't really know where to start. Heck it would be quite capable of confusing me if I just dived in trying to figure something a bit obscure and I've been using inserts for 20 years or more.
I've long felt we need a "Just Enough About Inserts" article or reference written for the Model Engineer / Home Workshop Person to take the inexperienced and neophytes through the basic "practice" maze. Having got the basics explained in organised fashion its then its up to them if the want to delve deeper into the real thing.
Plenty of good advice out on the internet but, unfortunately, it all sort of just growed and much is now somewhat outdated, whether by fact or application, in terms of what to buy now. My stock works just fine but its all technically obsolete!
Lots of contradictions around the edges too where folk are talking about different applications. Doesn't help when a goodly part of the advice tends to boil down to "Do what I do and you will be fine." But whats a neophyte to do when Jack says do this, Joe says do that and the YouTubes show two different approaches working fine!
Writing a coherent "Just Enough About Inserts" will be seriously difficult given the variety of machines we use and the need to have a coherent, progressive, structure but surely there is someone out there clever enough to manage it.