I am not here to criticise, but to help and with apologies to Pete and Stuart.
Following the explication and drawings, I found the following may be helpful :
When inserting the combining cone, I inserted the delivery side first (from the steam side) using the setting tool, then insert the steam side cone checking the gap between them with a Number 63 drill poked down the ball chamber as you go.
From Stuart Hart’s link (On the MADMODDER site) :-
1/ The cross section for the injector shows a delivery cone of 6 degrees – this should be 9 degrees ??
2/ “Face the length down so that the gap between the body is 0.094" measured with a No 63 drill, and set the saddle dial at zero, this is important. “…..
This should read:- The body is 0.037” (0.94mm) measured with a No 63 drill …..
3/ Making the steam cone, "Now I say this only once …….. then face off by a further 0.0015" ……
This should read ……. a further 0.015” (0.38mm).
From Peter Cauley’s series :-
Page 3, item 5 “ An accurate hole is required – use a No 62 drill as a pilot” should read No 64 drill perhaps ??
Steam Cone Manufacture and setting
Page 4, Its not wrong, but I scratched my head to understand item1 (perhaps I am a bit thick!)
1- Chuck a length of 5/16” dia brass and face the end. Machine a 1/2” length (with a square shoulder) to be a sliding fit into the injector body. Reduce the gap between the shoulder and the body to 0.037”.
I read it, and again and obviously got fixated into finding this gap… until it dawned on me.
Slide the steam side of the injector body onto the cone and Reduce the gap between the shoulder and the injector body to 0.037”.
All I need now is a boiler to test it with – Fingers crossed!