Posted by Tom Grace on 02/03/2021 04:38:30:
Afternoon all
I recently inherited my grandfathers lathe that has been sitting in storage for the last 25 years. It’s pretty gunked up and has accumulated some rust, sawdust, dust and grime.
In short – its a restoration project! Something to keep me busy for the next few years worth of weekends 😉
The manual I can find online for ml7’s is dated recently (1997) but obviously older. Based on the serial – K2276 – this machine was early; 1946-1948 era.
So my question is (apart from where to start!) – what would this have looked like when it came out of the box? Is the 1997 manual appropriate?
I’m guessing bearing are likely going to need replacing, and the bed looks like it has some surface rust that may require it to be refaced. I’ve also got some questions about cutting metric threads that I haven’t had a chance to chase – so if anyone has some good references to look up, I’d appreciate the links.
Thanks for your help
When I got my ML7 about 17 years ago first job done was stripping it all apart, washing eveythyhing with the exception of bed and electric motor with petrol by immersion. and washing bed with petrol soaked rugs.
Because paintwork on my machine was damaged badly I have stripped all of it from bed and all parts with the eception of those made of aluminium which were OK.
For bed (after intelligent protection of bedways and other machined parts etc) sand blast was used, everything else was done with drill/angle grinder & wire brushes.
Attention was paid to detail in removing old paint from all corners and hidden places – quite perplexing
Then all parts ready to repainting were washed by brushing under immersion in isopropanol and dichloromethane. This time bed got the same treatment and only motor was cleaned with rugs.
Then epoxy based industrial paint applicable in mining industry and not available from shop to public was used immediately according to manufacturer specification.
Immediately – to prevent flash rust.
Being chemical engineer I don't have problems with that.
Then machine was reassembled and many things including bedways, saddle etc was rescraped. One guy from trade who has biax and is profficient with i done it for me.
Gib strips were replaced too.
Then spindle and damaged bearing was replaced into phosphor bronze version and then machine became usable.
Much more was corrected as time pass and now my lathe keeps specifications as new.
At that time Myford (Nottingham) was still operational, so many spare parts I got easy and of good quality.
So really my ML7 started as a set of castings.
Edited By Martin Dowing on 03/03/2021 21:43:28