Hi Ron, personally I would be using 2mm electrodes max on that thickness and like Noel says too much heat or going too slow will give you blow through, but hot fast ones are usually weak and poor welds and also as Dave says, box or tube doesn't need as much heat.
Yes bending or rather curving them a fair bit, but not too excessive is a well used technique, especially in a small space where you can't get a straight look at what you are welding, but don't kink them or the coating will just break and you'll end up throwing away a lot of what you've paid for, I've even had to curve them one way along part of the electrode and then the other way for the rest of it, to get into some places.
Noel, yes Vodex were very good for vertical and overhead, but I didn't fair to well with them on down-hand welding (Flat) The best ones that I ever used though, was one pack of BOC Marine electrodes that a contractor gave me back in the early 70's, they made absolutely brilliant welds in all positions, we had to do and fair bit of positional welding in a cramped place just beneath a floor at the time, in the upper levels of a factory building and in the summer too, never did come across them again.
Regards Nick.