Adding to Nick's safety advice, about gauntlets, you should cover yourself pretty thoroughly.
Though the exposure to UV radiation by intensity and time is far lower in our activities than in full-time factory work with industrial-capacity equipment, it still seems to me sensible to expose as little skin as possible to the glare.
I don't have welding gauntlets sold as such, but wear thick leather gloves, plus one-piece boiler-suit buttoned up and auto-darkening mask that covers most of the face. (I know it does because it tends to pinch my ears when I lower it!).
I switched to the full-face mask on a headband, later the automatic form, because my welding is so hit-and-miss I was often giving myself accidental flashes when using a hand-held shield. As for those hand-held things sold with the cheaper DIY transformers… well.
Also safety boots, mainly for me as protection from the spatter my welding usually produces; and safety-glasses for when slag-chipping.
Avoid inhaling the fumes, too. They are not good for you, and can be carcinogenic though again I do not know the risk to us by our far lower exposure to the hazard. Surprisingly perhaps the link to cancer appears to have been discovered only quite recently, but perhaps that was due to past cases being disguised by parallel causes, particularly smoking and asbestosis.