As an alternative …..
I have made a couple of fixtures to index the chuck on my lathe by one degree increments. Two fixtures, in fact. The first was produced using a CNC router on black Perspex® for my then lathe – an Asian 9 x 20 machine. The build is documented in a series of four videos on YouTube, starting here.
A lot can be fast-forwarded to get the idea. (according to the stats, that’s what a lot of viewers do, anyway!)
I’ve subsequently sold both the lathe and the router, but have acquired a mini lathe for which I’ve redesigned the indexer for its smaller (100mm Ø) chuck. This was 3D printed and the project is introduced in this ‘ere video.
Although I’ve printed it out and trial-fitted it to the lathe, it’s not quite complete, nor is it on video ‘in the flesh’ so to speak.
There are always more than one way to skin a cat and I’m a firm believer in “why do it simply when, with a little effort, you can complicate matters beyond all reasonable grounds.” It was done as much as a training exercise for me in the use of 3D CAD and the router and latterly, the 3D printer as much as any practical use. Needless to say, I have never used the indexer for anything! I just built it because I wanted to, and had the means to do it!