I too have a WM14 Warco mill and have used cutters from 2mm to 16mm on aluminium, brass, EN3 steel, silver steel and cast iron and have not had a problem. On the EN3 I took quite agressive cuts but the mills survived intact. The only time I have had problems is from chip crowding, I think that is the term, when once I broke a 2mm mill by reversing it into a cut that was packed with chips and the other time when cutiing EN3 chips got carried into the cutting path and an edge/tip broke away. I mainly use branded HSS mills that I have got from Ebay as 'new & unused', been lucky with the prices,but also I have used solid carbide mills without a problem and these are less tolerant to intermittent loads than HSS. That said I have bought in cutters from the far east Richon Tools, at silly prices delivered, and these have worked very well and survived.
While ths doesn't help you directly it gives an indication that the WM14 will take quite agressive cuts without damaging the tools. I assume that you are milling against the cutter direction and not climb milling as the latter can cause snatching and has the potential to damage cutters. Other than that I use a cutting fluid/oil applied with a brush and tend to try and keep the cutting area relatively free of swarf when possible. When surfacing I tend to use a maximum of about 2/3 of cutter diameter as a stepover.
Edited By Martin W on 30/04/2012 00:36:49