Thanks guys a whole load of information for me to take in there.>>
I have looked into an inverter which comes in at @ £450 then I have the installation to consider as the mill has a dial controlled power feed and also a light which all run through one 3 pin 240 volt plug at the minute. I would not know where to start should I attempt to wire that myself to be totally honest.>>
My mill came with two speed options when new with the highest being 1500 rather than the 1000 at the horizontal spindle which I have and up to 2800 through the geared vertical head. I would not; I don’t think want to exceed that too much but I feel confident the machine / bearings etc. would be able to cope as it was designed to take these speeds originally.>>
The pulley alteration throws up another problem as the gear box end has a clutch fitted which I would rather not tamper with and without altering the base the maximum motor pulley diameter possible would bring it up to the same diameter as the top one. An increase of some 30mm only.>>
Peter Walton suggests changing the motor to a 2 pole rather than a four pole if fitted? How can I tell by looking as I have no electrical knowledge at all.>>
As the original 3 phase motor has been removed and replaced with a single phase one it has occurred to me that the motor speeds could well be different anyway so this would also give me a different speed to the one displayed on the levers of the machine ?>>
I have ordered a tachometer to establish exactly what RPM I am getting which I should have shortly.>>
Would the general opinion be that speeds of 1800 ish would be sufficient ? I do not expect to be using less than 3/32 dia for home use / model engineering. Looking at Tom Senior machines etc. they seem to have a similar speed.>>
I am starting to wonder if all the work to alter the speed would really be necessary .>>
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