DC1 – a singularly unhelpful comment ('If you don't like the postage charge, buy from someone else'
Quite often there is only one supplier, and your comment avoids the point entirely (about high costs) – no wonder there are comments in the media about 'rip-off Britain' if you follow this philosophy. You appear not to have noticed that I do exactly what you are suggesting – but I go to suppliers outside UK, who do not rip me off (at least not to the same extent as in the UK).
John (Stevenson) – perhaps I did not explain my point as clealry as I should have – when I am quoted £15 pounds P&P for a 2Kg package, then using the figures in this thread, the postage should be (roughly) £4.50. – so what is the remaining £10 pounds for? – the package was in a padded bag (about A5 size). As for labour – pick item off shelf, slide into bag, self-seal bag, stick on computer printed label, frank package, chuck it in the bag – if they want to charge me for that, then tell me its Post, Packing and Labour. Are you also saying that the cost of a banding machine is being included in the packing costs? – surely this should be reflected in increased price of the purchased item. If it is not, then there is even more of a rip-off going on than was at first apparent. If there is something I want or need and a price is quoted, then it is up to me whether or not I accept it – and not hide it in a 'packing' charge.
The icon is not mine – it seems to replace the closing bracket, and I can't edit it out – sorry
Edited By wotsit on 03/05/2012 20:51:46