IN MEMORIAM – Chris Sangster


IN MEMORIAM – Chris Sangster

Home Forums Website Announcements IN MEMORIAM – Chris Sangster

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  • #467923
    Martin Kyte

      It is with great sadness I announce the passing of a freind and fellow model engineer and SMEE member Chris Sangster who died after a stroke last week. Chris was involved with many areas of the hobby building a Minnie Traction Engine, a 71/4" DART loco, several CNC projects although his great love was clockmaking. His standard of work was excellent which reflected his meticulous approach to everything he put his hand to as could be seen in the highly organised workshop he created. Chris was a member of the Cambridge and District Model Engineering Society for many decades although latterly he found SMEE more in line with his interests. He was also a regular attendee at many of the model shows and had exibited in the past. Professionally Chris designed external lighting for large installations such as airports, ports, sports facillities etc. Much of Heathrow airside is his work. Chris had grandchildren locally through his second marriage and entered into his Grandfather role with great energy. He had recently retired and had many plans which have sadly been cut short including beginning to make a simple clock with the eldest grandchild. Chris will be sorely missed by close family and by his many freinds.

      regards Martin

      Martin Kyte
        Chris Evans 6

          I didn't know him but it is always a great loss when someone with those skills passes away. RIP Chris.

          Martin Kyte

            Thanks for that Chris.

            He was 68 and it was sudden. Just retired and in the midst of so many projects. I still can't beleive it really.

            regards Martin

            Neil Wyatt

              I'm sorry to hear the sad news about Chris. Thanks for letting us know, Martin. Please pass on my condolences to his family.

              I've taken the liberty of clarifying the thread title.


              Martin Kyte

                Thanks for that Neil. I shall pass your message on.

                regards Martin

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