Oddly, I don’t really remember the 1982 winter, even though there has been a TV programme recently about it. Unless it was the time I went by train to Stone on a training course and was advised to make the journey in stages by BR staff, ie take that train until it terminates, and then change to another train. That journey, about 100miles, took 8 hours or so.
I do remember the 1962/63 winter. I was a GPO linesman at the time and my patch was just over the hill from Jackson Bridge – aficionados of Last of the Summer Wine will know where I mean. I remember “bending” the van when I lost control on a bend; burying the van bonnet in a new snow drift about ½ hour after the snow plough had been along the road; sliding down a road with right angle bend in it (and no, I wasn’t going too fast as I was in 1st gear on tickover). Somehow, I regained control; climbing a hill in 2nd (to avoid having to change down on the slope) and passing a Jaguar at 30 degrees to the road and a single-decker bus slowly making the climb. But the one thing that really struck home was the day I followed a gritter between two villages along a smooth road. A few hours later and travelling back over that same road, I found myself having to dodge holes about 5 or 6 inches deep. Yes, folks, that smooth road was actually 5 to 6 inches of hard packed snow and ice.
Other than that, my parents had some photos of the 1947 winter, something I don’t remember, yet in 1954, as an 11 year old, having to walk to an adjacent village to catch a normal service bus, the “Schools Special” having failed to arrive. Surprisingly, I didn’t get told off when arriving at school over an hour late.
I also remember the 1995 winter. We had just bought a new (to us) house with no insulation. To give some idea as to how cold that winter was, it seems that the hydraulic fluid turned mushy in the lifeboats some 7 miles away and caused tremendous, and expensive, damage when the crew attempted to start the engines.
Yes folks, a lot of people today have no idea about harsh winters!
Peter G. Shaw.