Sounds like checks need to be made to find if the short circuit is in the motor or the control board.
the technique used with electronical speed controlled lathes seems to be to raplace the motor by a 100 watt lamp and operate the speed control. If the board is intact, the lamp brilliance will varyy as the speed control is adjusted.
If the problem is within the board, the trip will probably operate, showing where the fault is.
The motor, assumimng that it a DC motor will, if it intact, rotate, when a low DC voltage, such as from a 12 volt supply (Battery?) is applied.
If the board is faulty, either a new boardvis required, or you need to find someone who check the board, find the problem and replace the failed components.
There used to be a poster on this Forum who would check and repair mini lathe contol boards for less than the cost of a new board.
You could post an appeal, to see if he is still around.