I've had a set of 4 DECT cordless phones for about 13 years. They all worked fine until one day, about 3 months ago, when I accidentality knocked a charging station and handset off the shelf. When I put the handset back on the charger it was totally dead. Putting a good handset on the charger confirmed it was OK, and putting the dead handset on a good charger confirmed it was dead.
I took the handset, charger, and a known good charger, to a friend who used to be an active radio ham. After confirming it was really dead he took the covering off, expecting to find a break or some other physical reason for the failure. He found nothing. The design layout was such that it wasn't possible separate the several PCBs for more extensive problem hunting so his advice was to scrap it and either make do with three handsets, or buy another set of four. I decided make do with three. Until, you've guessed it, I accidentality knocked another one off the shelf and was dismayed to find that, it too, was totally dead.
So I purchased another set of four and copied the phone book entries from the old phones to the new ones and started to delete them, one at a time, from the old phones so that the two remaining handsets could be salvaged and used by someone else. I was interrupted many times in this endeavour and got somewhat muddled up because I discovered that I was actually removing entries from one of the broken phones. What? How could I remove entries when the phone was totally dead? I checked all four handsets, and all four were working!!!
What's going on here? Those two handsets were truly dead – totally inert. I'd done nothing to them and now all four phones are working properly. How come?