HPC compressor pump maker ?


HPC compressor pump maker ?

Home Forums Manual machine tools HPC compressor pump maker ?

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  • #738233
    sparky mike

      HPC compressor pump maker. Does anyone know who made the pumps for HPC. ? See photo. I need to find a service kit for mine. Slim chance but if pump maker is known then better chance of finding something.






      Dave Wootton

        Looks very similar to a Sherry’s made in London up until somewhere around the mid 80’s to early 90’s, I used to have one at one time, and remember seeing another for sale badged as something else that was identical to mine. I’m pretty sure they went out of business some time ago. I don’t know if Sherry’s made the pumps or bought them in,the pump on mine was more like yours than the ones pictured on the net. Just did a google search and there are some images on there which may help. Mine was the same fetching shade of pink as the ones on there. I did visit the factory and bought a replacement Danfoss pressure switch, big reduction for cash! At the time I remember thinking that the writing was on the wall for the company. Good luck in your search.

        sparky mike

          That name rings a bell. Will do a Google search. Thanks.

          noel shelley

            B.E.N. patents ? Ingersol ? Noel.

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