Neil, sorry to be dumping this on you. Does my sub renew on the aniversary of today 1 year after starting or 3 issues later allowing for the first 3 at £1?
If I go to the link you gave above I get a different page from the one I eventually get to using the 'subscribe' tab at the top of the forum page.
Example print issues: The latter page says total 13 issues, 3 at £1 and subsequent issues (10 implied) at 3.23. That seems to be £3 + 32.3 = £35.3 for 13 issues ending 1 year from today.
Go to subscribe and I get quarterly DD at £10.5 first 3 at £1. So do I get the 4 DDs of £10.5 total £42 or one of £3 followed by 3 of £10.5 total £34.5?
It is a real pain after hitting the 'subscribe' tab at the top of the forum to have to go to 13 different page loads to get a list of the prices of all the options and then not really know what teh actual price is. Get all the prices on one page. Then get all the bits to stack up.
I suggest the management get an elderly relative of >70 years to look at the website as it stands for no more than 5 minutes and then write down with confidence how much they must put aside from their pension per week for each product and how much each issue is costing.